program hw2_runbcg c c Compile e.g. with c c gfortran -Wall -o hw2_runbcg -Wall hw2_runbcg.f bcg2.f c c This depends on the reference implementation of bicg-stab (bcg2.f) from the c web-page of H.v.d.Vorst (one of the authors of BiCGstab) c c Use "simple version" of BiCGstab(ell) c parameter (n=1000) parameter (l=1) double precision x(n) double precision b(n) double precision z(n) double precision tol integer mxmv double precision work(n,(3+3+2*(l+1))) integer info, i external bicgstab2 external matvec_prec external hw2_2c external hw2_2b external precond external tridiag_solve double precision resnorm tol=1E-10 mxmv=300 do i = 1, n c right-hand side b(i) = 3.0 c initial guess x(i) = -0.4 end do c Run BiCGStab call bicgstab2 (1, l, n, x, b, hw2_2b, 1, tol, + 'rel', mxmv, work, n*10000, info) c print the output write (*,*) 'info=',info, ' total matvecs=', mxmv c Compute and print the residual ||Ax-b|| call hw2_2b(n,x,z) resnorm=0.0 do i = 1, n resnorm=resnorm+ (b(i)-z(i))**2.0 end do resnorm=sqrt(resnorm) write (*,*) '||Ax-b||', resnorm stop end c Delivers the matrix vector product y=A*x for A given in HW2.2c subroutine hw2_2c (n,x,y) integer n integer i parameter (pi=3.141592653589793) double precision x(n), y(n) double precision h h=1.0/n c compute the matrix vector product corresponding to tridiagonal matrix do i = 1, n y(i)=(-5.0/2.0)*x(i)/(h*h) + +10.0*sin(pi*(1.0*i)/(1.0*n))*x(n-i+1) if (i .GT. 1) then y(i)=y(i)+(4.0/3.0)*x(i-1)/(h*h) end if if (i .GT. 2) then y(i)=y(i)-(1.0/12.0)*x(i-2)/(h*h) end if if (i .LT. n) then y(i)=y(i)+(4.0/3.0)*x(i+1)/(h*h) end if if (i .LT. n-1) then y(i)=y(i)-(1.0/12.0)*x(i+2)/(h*h) end if end do end c Delivers the matrix vector product for homework 2.2b subroutine hw2_2b(n,x,y) integer n double precision x(n), y(n) integer i c compute the matrix vector product corresponding to tridiagonal matrix do i = 1, n y(i)=(-1.0)*x(i) if (i .GT. 1) then y(i)=y(i)+0.1*x(i-1) end if if (i .LT. n) then y(i)=y(i)-0.1*x(i+1) end if end do end subroutine tridiag_solve(n,alpha,beta,b,x) c c Solve a linear system for a symmetric tridiagonal with constant diagonal c entries. c c T= alpha beta 0 0 0 c beta alpha beta c 0 . . . c beta alpha beta c 0 0 0 beta alpha c The input b contains the right-hand side c The output x contains the soluction Ax=b c c integer n double precision alpha, beta double precision b(n), x(n) double precision vp(n) double precision bp(n) double precision m integer i bp(1)=alpha vp(1)=b(1) c do i = 2,n m = beta/bp(i-1) bp(i) = alpha - m*beta vp(i) = b(i) - m*vp(i-1) end do x(n) = vp(n)/bp(n) c Backward subs do i = n-1, 1, -1 x(i) = (vp(i) - beta*x(i+1))/bp(i) end do end c Preconditioned version of matrix vector product c subroutine matvec_prec (n,x,y) integer n double precision x(n), y(n) external precond external matvec call hw2_2c(n,x,y) call precond(n,y) end subroutine precond (n,z) integer n double precision z(n), b(n) double precision alpha, beta double precision h integer i external tridiag_solve do i = 1, n b(i)=z(i) end do h=1.0/n alpha=10.0 beta=10.0 call tridiag_solve(n, alpha, beta, b, z) end