Summary of the Koldagian Campaign

The story starts in the desert country Rydoz in summer 2982. As in many other campaigns the action starts at the local Inn where the members of the soon to be founded group has arrived to relax and eat.

{2982 of the new era (NE) is the correct name of the year but most people skip the later part since nobody uses any other form anyway. The origin of this counting traces back to the gods Syruths profecy about 3000 years of peace before that the dead will rise.}

{This is not a exact description what has happend in campaign and may on some places differ from what really took place. The reasons could be that I skipped unrelated details, or clues that the group misunderstood. On many cases this could also be from that even while this a summary of what the party has seen I know the truth and this may affect the description. Any comments about the text are welcome}

Group 1
The (bard) priest Alexander. A poor fellow who was expelled from the church of Petelia a few years earlier (Petelia is the godness of peace and joy). He still got the abillity to cast spells but are weak, unhealthy and long away from regaining his place in the church.

The thief Gregg. A kleptomanic thief who has joined with Alexander to make some starting money. Gregg is very secret about his homeland but have admitted that he are on the run from one of the strong men in the criminal world back there.

Group 2
The cruasader Indariox. One of the famous knights of Zenatharion. Now on the mission from the knights on Hygion to find Oswum Tibe, a mercenary who are suspected to be working for the wanted Harmon Harx. Harmon Harx killed his father Eliadon Harx, the leader of Zenatharions knights, almost a year earlier and are since then missing. Research has showed that he has strange connections to the criminal world and the Oswum Tibe is just one of the many criminals that Harmon Harx may have enlisted. Oswun Tibe have only three fingers on left hand and rumors tell that he have been seen in the city.

The mythic Gedeon. Hired to assist in finding the mercenary but actually on the run after a mission that got really wrong.

Group 3
The priest Justarius. A priest to Alroth, the god of the cleaning fire. He is on the mission to find a renagade priest who are wanted for a lot of crimes. The wanted priest Darsak also misses two fingers at the left hand. Justarius is very paranoid person and thinks that allmost everyone wants to kill him. He is also a strong believer in the Guild of magic that picked him up when his family was murdered when he was child.

The magehunter Cvalndlir. Assigned by the guild of magic to help Justarius. Actually Justarius didn't accept the mission untill got the help from Cvalndlir that has a very good reputation. Cvalndlir is a mysterous half elf that doesn't want to reveal the personal reasons for accepting the mission.

Group 4
The crystalist magician Pheron. A greedy magician from Arcadia. He recently had to escape from Arnak since he had gained to much money and influence in the political game about the succession of the kingdom. In Rydoz he is on the search for adventures since the politics of Rydoz is not open for people born outside of Rydoz.

The figther Maritox. A fighter from Maxadi that untill recently has been a prisoner of the trolls. He was a few years ago part of a failed revenge expedition to Elroch. The army was betrayed and made into prisoners of the trolls. After a few years he is now free and searching for the traitor Kylad Marox. While searching for leads he has joined Pheron in hope of gaining money so that he may leave Rydoz.

Group 5
The taoist monk Pi. A ugly, cursed and moody gnoll who is one the quest on getting gold and fame. He can't speak but since he is semi telepatic and have to hide his face anyway (very unpleasant when people calls for guards when they see your face) most people misses his lack of voice. {The player asked for the worst possible appearance and managed to get a impressing 1after flaw modifiactions}

{Rydoz is a destert country ruled by the priestess of Dynia, the priestess are the only ones who can make the land produce water and food. Rydoz is not politically aggresive but the hostile neigbours had more than once forced the land into war in the past}

The start of the campain
Alexander and Gregg was entertaining the people at the Inn while the rest of characters was spread in room eating. Alexander was singing while Gregg picked peoples pockets. Suddenly a stranger came in and walked towards a table with a alone merchant. Justarius was close and got afraid of the strangers and paniced. He got up and started running, most of the other saw him and also noticed that the stranger had a dagger hidden under his cloak. The stranger cut down the merchant and started to run but made a serious mistake when he attacked some of the characters that were in the way. Maritox and Gregg killed the stranger while Alexander tried to save the merchant. Alexander managed to save him but the merchant was in coma. The cityguard soon arrived and identiefied the merchant as a Mandelotz priest in disguise (Mandelotz is the god of luck and fate). The team were questioned but since the rest of the Inn supported their story they were allowed to leave. The characters exchanged their storys and after a lot of confusion some of them found that their missions looked to have some kind of connection they joined. The rest of characters asked if they could come along since no other adventures seamed to be avaible.

Searching the neigbourhood
The team walked around the city and found that Oswum Tibe was in a house at the outside of the city. Pi was looking for Dyriak sensei, a local master of martial arts, but found that he was missing. Inside his house he found tracks that indicated that Dyriak had been kidnapped. After very little thinking the team walked to the door of the Oswun Tibes house and tryed to knock at the door. They placed themself ready to attack and knocked on the door, unfortuneatly Tibe and his men were on the way to leave and armed and ready to fight (they had a place on the noon riverboat). The fighting started and Tibe and his two men decided to cut down the team and leave. Incredibly enough they managed to fumble three times and doesn't got any good criticals in the whole battle. The team finaly managed to win since their enemys didn't have any fatepoints but the party was so wounded that they could barely stand.
{end of session 1}

Investigating the house
Oswum Tibe had his skull crushed in the fight and were thus not a usefull source for information. The following items were found in the house or on the body. A map over the island Hygion, a letter from Yldak the black, a letter from Harmon Harx, a map of Rydoz with a lot of strange signs and lines and a black bottle with unknown contents. From these items the team learnd that Tibe used to work together with Yldak. That Harmon Harx wanted Tibe to take contact with Pylax Inhonraks and that he should try to locate "the anchor" at any cost. Pylax is a group that wants to dispose the priesthood of Dynia that rules Rydoz and instead get a king. Yldak is discovered to be a famous smuggler that mostly operates close to Elroch (the land of the trolls). Pi makes some questions about Dyriak and the rest of the team get's interested when they hear that Dyriak was investigating a man with only three fingers on his left hand. In a warehouse in the harbor, that Dyriak has been interseted in, they found traces of some kind of strange herb. Dyriak appeared to have been taken to the warehouse and been hidden inside the box with the herb. The team managed to track where in the harbor the box was taken but were to late since the boat has allready left for the capital. Some research showed that the herb from the warehouse was the magic herb used by the Dynas priestess while doing magic.

The codekey
The team hadn't got the money for a boatplace and started looking at the prices for camels but soon discovered that this costs even more. When they returned to the Inn they remembered the Mandelotz priest and managed to get inside his old room. His belongings have been moved but when they asked for his pack it was discovered that the pack has been sold by a girl employed at the Inn. The team tracked the pack to the house of the local crime boss and decided that Gregg should try to sneak into his house. Gregg succeded and got a lot more money when he stole some things on the way out. Inside the pack they found a hidden codekey and a ring with Mandelotz sign on. Gedeon was selected to go to the temple and try sell the codekey since he wasn't questioned by the cityguard at the Inn. After some stupid lies Gedeon has made the priest in the temple very suspicious and in the end he only got a tenth of the real value. When Gedeon returned he make a joke about the ugly dwarf in the team and got a very angry gnoll that tryed to take him apart untill the team managed to calm Pi. The team started to question what happend at the Mandelotz temple and Gedeon admitted that it wasn't that successfull. Lucky the gained money was exactly the needed money to get place on the next ship to the capital.

Boxes moved at night
One week later the team arrived to Ibyd the capital of Rydoz. After some investigation in the harbour the team managed to find workers that had transported the box to a street in the city two days earlier. Everything looked very promising untill they checked the front of the building and found that it was a temple of the elvish god Arak. The neigbours reported that there have been a number of strange boxes that has been transported at night to the backdoor of the temple. A man in a dark robe that misses two fingers have also been seen and the team started to ask around. After a visit to the Guild of magic that have a tower outside the town they found a note adressed to Cvalndlir that revealed information about the persons with missing fingers. The guild had been investigating Darsak and found that he lost the fingers fiften years ago while working in Mydak. At the same time Oswum Tibe and a man called Idok also lost their fingers but none of them wanted to tell how. Pi looked closer at the map of Rydoz from Oswum Tibe and discovered ancient gnoll runes. He was only able to recognizes the name Impedion but remember it from a gnoll songs. Impedion was the place for a large battle between the fey folk and an evil empire. Everything from elementary spirits to the elven peoples joined with the people of the earth to defeat an evil empire that was draining the power of the land and using demons. The good side won in the end but the damage was so great that land was tainted and lifeless for thousends of years.
{end of session 2}

The digsite
The team had learned that the priestess of Dynia has been without delieveries of the important herb they use for protection while using magic and began to see a pattern. Pylax Inhonraks would be really interessted in stopping the priestess to use magic but would Oswum Tibe and his friend Yldak work for them or other way around? Pi's talk of the legendary battle of Impedion got a new light when the team discovered that the priestess after their yearly prophecy had started to dig in the ground outside Ibyd. In the temple of Dynia they found the map from the prophecy that shows where to do the digging. The map was similar to Oswum Tibe's map of Rydoz but with fewer signs and the team concluded that the offical map must be simplyfied to not reveal anything important. The team visited the large dig and Pi felt strange vibrations in the ground that resembles the powers from a gate to another plane. The possible connection between a dimesional gate and a item called "the anchor" were discussed but nothing could be proved and the team decided to move on.

Assistance from the Guild of magic
The thought of faceing Darsak in battle was not very pleasant since he was a spelluser and the team wanted to get to know his position before they tryed to free Dyriak sensei. Actually they were very sucessfull and managed to find Darsak's hiding place in the harbour and that he was alone inside. A messenger was sent to the Guild of magic for help and Hatom Myrk the local leader of the guild arrived with two extra men. Myrk is a high level magician and his friends were a mentalist and a wizard. They broke into the warehouse and fought Darsak, who proved to be a strong evil cleric. Darsak was very powerfull but were in end unable to defend himself from the three attackers that were the masters on the continent in their professions (Hatom Myrk is actually one of the strongest magicians in the world). After finishing Darsak Hatom Myrk left to the group to clean the mess. Darsak had a letter from Harmon Harx that confirmed most of the suspicions the group had. Harx has ordered Darsak to use Pylax Inhonraks to create havoc in Rydoz. After that Yldak has stopped the herb a real disaster should be created and give Pylax Inhonraks the chance to gain power. The real puspose was that a large war would start with the other countrys if Rydoz got weaker. The letter didn't mention the nature of the disaster but the team understood that time was important.

Dyriak sensei
From Darsak's belongings the team learned of a hidden room under the Arak temple. It was used earlier before the Dynias preistess gained power and the land was under an evil king. Inside Araks temple they found the hidden room and the three men that held Dyriak as a prisoner. The team attacked and managed after a long battle to defeat the kidnappers. Dyriak was too weak to talk after but from the three men told the team about a workleader on the dig that had been getting information for Darsak. The men were from Pylax Inhonraks and they confirm that the Pylax with help from Harmon Harx are one the way to summon a monster that will be the end of the Dynia's priestess. Dyriak was taken since he seamed to know too much about Idok. After a lot of extra questions the team leaved the temple with the wounded Dyriak and left the men to be arrested by the city guard. The only thing learned from Dyriak was that Idok had left for Arnak to work at a diffrent plot.
{end of sessoion 3}

{Pi was not present in this part of the adventure and could not use his gnoll abillitys to track the earth magic involved}

The workleader from the dig
The workleader has the nickname "the whip" since he allways hit his worked with a large bullwhip. The team asked around a bit and then decided to trick him to come to their room by using a fake message from Darsak. A while later he appeared and Alexander tryed to protest since he didn't like the groups plans for the man. Alexander was kicked outside and went to the digsite to see what happend there. The team questioned the man and after treating to get Pi and let him chew on the man they got him to speak (the man saw Pi when they visited the digplace earlier). The man revealed that Darsak thought the digsite to be the place for the main temple that was destroyed at the battle of Impedion. The desert climate have perseverd the lower parts of the ruins intact and he was interested in details of special symbol. The symbol was of a bird on the top of a tower and lookd a lot like a Ht'lian rune. The Ht'lian was the ancient elves and one of the peoples present at the battle of Impedion. It appeared like Darsak thought that the Ht'lians used "the anchor" at Impedion to defend themself from the attacks from the evil side.

The temple under the digsite
At this moment a messenger from Alexander arrived and told that they have found a stair downwards at the dig. The team fast planted evidence of that the workleader had been dealing with drugs (they new this was true from spells) and left him to be taken by the cityguard. At the digsite they found Alexander that reported about a stair downwards that was opened but that the workers didn't want to enter before someone examined the place and told it was safe. Dynias highpriestess now wanted help and requested bold persons who dared to enter and look for dangers and a find a special ring for her. Could any group of heroes avoid a chance like this? (actually most would have left Rydoz directly after hearing half the rumors of Impedion but the team didn't hesitate when they accepted the mission). Inside the temple they encountered a lot of old traps and remains from diffrent monsters. After finding two strange items they returned to the surface to show the items. One was a bottle that seamed to attract dust and the other was a book with strange text inside. The team decided to show the bottle first but the highpriestess didn't like the appearance of the bottle so they kept the book for themself. The team went down again and found a strange chamber with a large pile in the corner and a table in the middle. When they investigated the pile they found that it was a sleeping monster that had been there for almost an eternity. After some plotting they picked the miner tools they had borrowed and attacked the monster. After a lot of attacks against the giant monster that started to wake up they finaly managed to get a killing hit. Their joy of the victory was broken when something started to try to break into the room from the other side of the wall. A fast examination of the table in the middle revealed the ring that they where to get and they ran upstairs. The couldn't hear any footsteps but had a stong fealing that something were approaching them from behind.

A monster of the earth
The team managed to get outside and gave the ring to the highpriestess when the workers started to scream and point at the hole in the ground. Hidden in the doorway was something standing and Pheron decided to cast a fire bolt against it to reveal it's identity and possibly hurt it. The monster absorbed the magic of the bolt before it comes close and also proved that it could defend itself when it returned the arrow Cvalndlir shot against it. The team were close to panic and Alexander decided to try to attune to the bottle since there could be a connection to the monster, the effect was a lightning bolt from the sky that hit Alexanders in the head. The monster left the doorway and moved against the team. It was made of solid stone and seamed very ancient. Cvalndlir that were close thought that the bottle perhaps could affect the monster and throwed the bottle towards the monster. The monster catched the bottle and destroyed it between it's hands and a strong magic explosion followed. Everyone in the party were thrown to the air and landed a few meters away (lucky for the party the monster absorbed most of the energy). The Dynia preistess healed Alexander and promised a rich reward to the group if they continued keeping track of the monster. She left for the town while the team followed the stone monster towards the town.

The final battle in Ibyd
When inside the town the team tryed to warn the people of the monster that keept advanceing slowly. After meeting some spellusers from the Guild of magic that ran in panic the team started to meet people running from the wrong direction. On a large square they saw the reason, a five meter high giant golem that was picking the city appart. Gedeon and Pheron made a bet of which monster that would win and Gedeon became a poor man when the stone monster from the digsite attacked the gollem and picked it apart. After the battle it remained standing still and the team ordered the city guard to keep people away from it while they followed the traces of the gollem. A few blocks away they find a razed house with the remains from the Pylax Inhonrak men that had conjured the gollem. The only thing of importance that was found were the evil powersource used to power the spell. After with the use of magic finding that the item was evil they returned to the stone monster and after an idea from Gedeon they throwed the evil item at the stone monster who destroyed it.

Aftermatch in Rydoz
The cityguard seamed to have everything in control and the team decided to visit the Guild of magic since they appearantly recognized the monster. At the tower outside the town the team learned that it was one of the immortal stone guardians that has existed since the dawn of time. Truely importal these creatures will just become two seperate beeing if parted in two. The feyfolk used these powerful beeings at the battle of Impedion and this one must have remained dormant in the temple untill the golem was summoned. The group also tryed to read the strange book from the temple but it was filled with a hidden code created with a mixture of old langauges. The masters of old languages, the priests of Yvlum, should have a better chance and Uzcadia or Zyr was suggested as good places to find highranking Yvlums priests. After this the team returned to Dynia temple to speak with the high priestess. The priestess revealed that the ring they had found was the missing band of the earth that allows the power of the earth to be invoked without tainting the user. After some discussion the team decided that they wanted a boat as reward since it seams like they have to leave Rydoz to solve the mystery. After getting a boat they spoke with Dyriak sensei that has started to recover. Dyriak has spended some time spying on three men with missing fingers and revealed that Darsak comes from Toladia. After some discussion the team decided to sail to Zyr, the center of the Guild of magic. Alexander wanted to visit Parax to ask questions and since Parax is on one of the possible ways to Zyr the team decided to sail that way.
{end of session 4}

The journey to Ardezia

A sinking ship
The team sailed along the cost northward until they on the third day spotted a damage ship drifting towards the coast. After confirming that there couldn't be a fake the team entered the ship and found a elvish girl hiding in the cabin. The elf presented herself as Elsire and were for obvious reasons very interested in getting away from the sinking ship. Thus after some discussion the rouge Elsire joined the team on their journey towards Zyr. Elsire told the group that the ship had been attacked by pirates under Dylak the black and the group made some specualtions about Dylak but failed to notice the odd detail present.

A meeting with a spy
A few days later the group reached Parax and splitted while Aleaxander looked up the details he wanted to know. Gregg and Pheron spended they day searching after jewelary shops and plotting while the others helped Alexander to ask around. In a local pub they found a man named Pyrox Tridon that in a very suspicious way started to reveal information. Tridon claimed to be working for Inzitas intelligence service but proved to be a remarkable source of knowledge about super natural matters. Inzitas intelligence had been researching the issue of Alexanders expelltion but hasn't reached any real conclusion (this is the information from Alexander and Tridon combined). Fyrol Angladon had been one of the leaders for the Petelia church for years and was very famous. Alexander had been working for him as apprentice when Alexander was young. Their realationship had never been good and when the cursed dagger of MaMeth was stolen nobody would had believed Alexander if he had told his suspicions, but in his heart he knew that Angladon had been very interessted in the dagger and could be the thief. The dagger itself require some attention since it is a relic that was found during the third crusade into the land of the night. When back in the free world it was sealed by Petelia, Mandelotz and Yvlum in a spell that was suposed to be unbreakable. During a cermoney where Petelia was to appear Alexander saw that Fyrol Angladon had the dagger hidden under his cloak and had to intervene. In the battle Angladon was cut with the dagger and fell dead to the ground (anyone who thinks this dagger is inspired from wheel of time are partly right, but believe me this dagger is much more powerfull than that dagger from the books). Anyway when the trial started the next day the dagger was missing and Alexander was expelled since no evidence supported his story. After this Justarious also made some questions about an organization in Iklytz. Tridon revealed that he has heard of the existense of such group that works against evil and the supernatural but didn't have any real details about the group. The rest of team tryed to find out why Justarious asked about this but Justarious didn't dare to say anything about the reasons.

The mystery of Fyrol Angladon
Before they left Parax Alexander wanted to visit the village that Fyrol Angladon was born in. At first the visit seamed to be quite pointless since all storys praised his name but in the end they started to see a pattern. Everone that really knew Angladon had been killed in acidents. The investigation had been dropped but three names had appeared on many places during the search. The names was Marido, Kylad Marox and Idok Trepe. Nobody recognized the first name but the two last names was very intersting and the team decided to look deaper into this part of the story. After this they decided to prepare to set sail while Phearon and Gregg did their robbery on the jewelary store. They left the capital and sailed north and east towards Kzardon.

A short stop in Kzardon
Kzardon is a mess after the long civil war and Gregg was very eager to leave the country. After investiagting a burned cityhall (Oswum Tibe had been involved but it appeared to be unimportant) the team returned to the ship. Three men appeared and when they acted strange Justarious paniced and set sail on the ship and left the town. The group make a new attempt at finding out why Justarious is so paranoid but they failed since he had begun to suspect some members of the party.

{Ardezia is a federation of states that lies on the large landmass that surronds the sea around the island Zyr}

The arrival to Ardezia
When they finaly reached the coast they decided to sail to the town where Alexanders old temple was too see if there are any leads there. At the temple they examined the remains of the seal used to trap the dagger. Not much are found but on they way back from the temple they saw a man murder a knight of Zenatharion. The knight was beyond help but the group started to follow the man and found that he went to an Inn in a hurry. A messenger were sent to the knights but the man are able to leave hidden inside a wagon before they arrived. After searching their room the group found evidence that the men had visited the graveyard and that they were now one the way to meeting on a crossroad three days later. When the knights arrived they told about what they had seen and then learnd that the killed knight had been tracking a man working for Harmon Harx. The knights parted to assemble a larger group of knights that should gather outside the town. The group were asked to investigate the graveyard and then follow the knights to identify the killer.

The graveyard
At the graveyard the team started to search for anything strange. In the newer part of the graveyard they found a open hole in the ground and tracks from a wagon. Eagerly they examined the tombstone and found that it was the tombstone of Fyrol Angladon. Cvalndlir examined the grave and found traces of evil magic but can not tell if it was a spell or traces left from something the dagger had touched. When the team were ready to leave a closed wagon came closer on te road from the town. Justarious got suspicous and prepared to cast a holy blast against the wagon and the rest of the group tryed to stop him. Lucky they failed and a beam of light hit a person inside the wagon and put him at fire. At the same time the person inside the wagon fired a arrow that hit Justarious in the leg. There were some initial chaos untill they managed to catch the driver and kill the assassin inside the wagon. The group was puzzled of the stange assassin attempt but found a damaged scroll of teleportation inside that gave some explaination. Justarious claimed that this was a proof that he was right about beeing hunted by murders but he could still not reveal the idenity of this group.

{The reason is that he really don't know but the group is very suspicious against the player manageing Justarious since he more than one time has cheated the group in an other campain that we also play}

The journey to the crossroad
Finaly the 132 knights arrived with horses for the group and the pusuit started. It soon becomes obvious that it was impossible to track the wagon on the hard roads so the leader of the knights decided to get to the roadcross before the wagon instead of trying to find it. Ardezia is paid by the Guild of magic to keep the environment secure and thus the trip was uneventfull with one exception. On the second day the group arrived at the place of a bandit attack. A very large group of bandits has attacked a noble wagon with a few retainers. The knights of Zenatharion attacked with assistance from some in the party while the others checked for survivors in the wagon. Sadly it was too late since everone was dead. With the reasoning that the team was in more need of money than the dead noblemen they searched the wagon but only found a golden medallion. Cvalndlir found that it was weakly essence magic in the medallion and the group decided to keep it.

A exchange at the cossroad
The group arrived to the crossroad and hidd the knights on safe distance from the crossroad while the group and some cruasaders and paladins hides close to the road. Late at night a large troup of men arrived and surrounded the crossroad without finding the hidden men. The team estimated that the newly arrived were more than a hundred. Soon afterwards the wagon from the graveyard arrived with a guard of six men. Some kind of exchange was about to happen but some kind of argument started. The team was able to understand that there was a sack that should be exchanged for the contents of the wagon. After casting some spells the team conclude that there is no living person in the wagon and that there the same kind of strange traces of evil magic in the wagon that was present in the grave but a lot stronger. The two persons discussing the exchange seamed to be on the way of making a deal so the team decided to act. In one move the team tryed to fry the enemys with magic, steal the sack, get Gregg on the wagon and away from the fight. Pheron fumbled his attack role and set himself on fire but the others were reasonably sucessfull. Gregg got away on the wagon while group ran into the forrest with a lot of soldiers following. Pheron has managed to put the fire out and tryed to cast a spell again but failed.

The extra passenger on the wagon
Gregg were halfways to the knights when he suddenly fealt somebody lift him up and throw him of the wagon. The new driver on the wagon continued forward and soon the forrest were lit by fire and bolts. When Phearon saw the light he concluded that Gregg was in trouble and cast a flying spell on himself to get there. He was successfull and managed to follow the wagon along the road. Halfway he saw the wounded knights lit by burning threes and soon he was over the wagon. To stop the wagon he overcasted a fireball thinking that his bad luck must be over for the night. Actually he scored a 100 in the attack roll but the fire just makes the horse run in panic, the answer came in the form of following lighting bolt that did massive damage on Pheron. The hit against the ground was not bad either for that matter. Pheraon survived the whole mess but was so wounded that he was completly gone. The other groups of knights arrive and soon teached the enemy fighters the danger of fighting the mounted knights of Zenatharion on open ground.
{end of session 5}

The contents of the sack
In the sack a strange item made of gold and jewels was found. It was shaped as half meter spear with a scroll attached. Cvalndlir identifyes it as an arcane artifact and the group carefully examined the scroll. The text where in Hyruth (highman) but so old that the group was unable to read it correctly. It was clear that name of the item was Kondagi and that usage was very dangerous with a lot of warnings of somthing called Irama. None in the group knew anything about it but nobody doubted that the item was very important. After that the group had found and treated Gregg and Pheron they returned to the battlescene. The knights had won a easy victory with the exception of the ones that had failed to stop the wagon. Some investigation showed that the men from the wagon had been working for Harmon Harx while the other had been locals assembled by a group of men from a nearby town. All important person had been killed but some of the men alive tell about a adress in the nearby town where they have been recruited.

The nature of justice
The group soon found the address and managed to catch the men that were present there. The men claimed to be part of an organization that protects the large underclass in Ardezia. Zonar, the head of the Guild of magic, had hired men that stole the money of the underclass. A couple of attemts to kill Zonar had all failed to kill him and their last hope was that the dagger of MaMeth should be able to kill him. Harmon Harx men had offered one million gold for any Kondagi and when they found a Kondagi inside a ruin in the east a deal was made. Harx's men had brought the body of Fyrol Angladon since it was the only logical hiding place of the dagger. The group now started to argue about what to do about the men. Even while they hadn't done much crime Justarious wanted them killed since they had been plotting against Zonar. Indariox and the rest of the group wanted to help them against Zonar since it was clear that the men from Ardezia was the ones that deserved help. None of the sides wanted to give in but finaly the men where handed over to the justice in Ardezia since both sides thought that this would give them the desired result.

{The partys reactions here are partly based on the fact that they have meet and fought Zonar in campain a few years ago. The encounters with Zonar was very traumatic and all the old players from that campain joined the side against Zonar ignoring that the men wanted to use the cursed dagger while the new players that never had faced Zonar in battle was more uncertain of which side was the right side.}

Baron Eilon
On the way out of the town the group spotted a wagon with the same sign on the sacks as on the medallion found at the highway robbery. They asked the driver and learned that it was the sign of baron Eilon. Baron Eilon proved to be an older man that was surprisingly little concerned with the death of his son and very interested in if any medallion had been seen. The group feelt suscpicious about Eilon and didn't reveal their possession of the medallion. After learning that the medallion were a part of a puzzle that had been created by a ancestor to Eilon they asked about other parts of the puzzle and learned that there was three relatives to the baron that has the three other medallions. The realtives were baron Mondion, baron Eroknix and baron Orlandyl. After a trip to baron Eroknix the team found the other relatives and learned that there are four medallions, a map and a chain in the puzzle. A spelluser in the north was believed to have information about the chain while the map was secure in one of barons safes. After some discussion the team decided to try to get the map since the map probably was the most important item in the puzzle.

The magic map
The party travelled to the south and made a very subtle break in to steal the map. At least until Justarious fumbled a silence spell and alerted every guard present. In panic the team managed to get the map and get out of the building before the barons army arrived on their horses. Hunted by a army of soldiers they tryed to escape westward and would probably been killed if they hadn't run into the knights of Zenatharion that was on the way north. The knights had been tracking the wagon from the crossroad but found it burned and empty close to the place where they where now. The party examined the wagon and found the coffin of Fyrol Angladon empty and torn into pieces without any traces of any tools.
{end of session 6}

Searching for a spelluser
After leaving the knights they moved towards the city where the spelluser with information was supposed to live. When they arrives at the town Cvalndlir recognized the place and were sure that he and the other magehunters toke the only spelluser in the town 2977 after that he hadn't paid his fee to the Guild of magic for some time. This appeard to be true since nobody knew any spelluser but they got to hear some strange rumors about a farmer Balnak outside the town. When they arrived to Balnak they found that he was poorly clothed and had problems with his animals since they didn't give any milk. Cvalndlir detected evil magic on the stable and convinced the man to move his animals outside the stable. The man told the party that Ivrim, a Innkeaper was the one that use to hold him responsible for strange things that happend in the neigbourhood.

Searching for a spelluser that uses to cast curses
The party confronted Ivrim and almost by accident learned that he was forced to blame strange things by a spellcaster in disguise. Ivrim didn't dare to tell them who but hinted that some of the farmers that were forced to pay money probably were more willingly to tell something. The team also learned that the barons had arrived to the the town with some men. After speaking to a farmer they got a lead on three men that use to come to get the money. The group found the men that were very drunk at a Inn and after in vain searching their room Justarious tryed to get information from the men. He has never told the group that he has a problem with drinking and before the group reacted he was very drunk. They pushed Justarious away and tried to question the men but found that they were to drunk to answer.

Question the drunk men about the evil spelluser
The men were to drunk to answer so they picked one of them outside and tried to make him clearer by using cold water. The man got very angry but the group quickly stole his weapons and managed to make him take them to the warehouse that was owned by the spelluser. Before they left Elsire managed to insult Pi by claiming thet no girl would ever look at him. Pi tried to kick Elsire into pieces but when he was stoped he falled into melancholy. Justarious were extremly drunk and sang songs with stupid texts and terribly false too for that matter. Elsire took Pi that were completly withdrawn and follwed Justarious to check that he didn't got into trouble. At a city park a stranger saw them and ran towards them. Elsire was the only one that saw him and decided to let out a general warning. Justarious got it all wrong and escaped towards a tree to hide. The stranger followed but Elsire were a lot faster and intercepted him. She knocked the stranger on the ground but fumbles when she were to finish the attack. Luckly Pi came back to reality and disarmed the man, without weapon the man was easly defeated and tied down. They questioned the man and learned that Harmon Harx has put a price on Justarious head.

Trying to catch a suspected evil spelluser
Gedeon and Cvalndlir entered the warehouse to catch the man but he suspected something and tryed to kill Cvalndlir with a bolt. Cvalndlir survived and they attack the man when he tryed to escape. The man stumbled outside and was killed by a arrow from some soldiers outside the house. The two heroes looked out and saw the barons men that had arrived to get the magic chain. The soldiers recognized them from their theft of the map and they had to escape. On the way out Gedeon pulled down things on the floor to slow the soldiers. In one of the casks he found a strange box that he guessed was important since it was very heavy.

A lead on the chain
The group assembled in the park and told what had happend. After examination of the box but failing to open it they tryed to break it apart but got a electricity critcal when they failed. After this Gedeon returned to the warehouse and managed to hear one of the Barons saying that the chain was hidden inside a ruin of a tower. The team decided to ask the farmer Balnak about old ruins. After advicing him about what parts of the cursed stable that can be reused they learned about two diffrent tower ruins and an ancient fortress in the east.

Two towers
The team searched the closet tower but nothing were found. Suddenly one of the barons appeared with some men and the team made a hasty retreat. After some discussion they continued in the darkness towards the second tower. As they had presumed one of the other barons was there and from the mood in the camp they concluded that the baron must have found the chain. After some planning the team launched their plan. An attack on the guard on duty covered by a silence spell and a murder on the baron allowed the team to take both the medallion and the chain. One of the barons was missing and the team made the incorrect guess that he was looking for somthing at the ruin of the ancient fortress.

The ruin
The team arrived to the ruin and soon found that somebody had been searching the ruin before. The whole place was filled with holes and in one of the holes they found a stair leading down. Under the ruin they found an open door with the four baron sigils on it. Behind it there was a lot of destoryed traps but nothing else untill they found a strange door made of a glowing stone. The door was made of dark stone with no visiable way of opening, the door was covered with small pictures of the knights of Zenatharion. Written in Hyruth (Highman speach) there was a text that told that this door was to be the seal against evil. After some discussion they decided to test to trust the Kondagi against the door. Luckly Cvalndlir saw the arcane energy assemble and stopped the attemt. After moving it towards the floor and getting an even stronger reaction (Cvalndlir guessed at least level 60) they decided to not use the Kondagi before they understood it's power.

The chamber
Justarious made a guess and ordered the door to open in the name of Altroth and the door opened. Inside they found a chamber with dark marble and a empty holder in the middle. The Kondagi fit exactly in the holder and the team finaly understood what they were doing in this place. On the wall they found more text in Hyruth.
This is the resting place of the Kondagi of Irod sealed here in the year of 689 PE. It is hidden by us the knights of Zenatharions so that the danger of the Kondagion will never be used by darkness or light again. The power of the Kondagion remains but it's danger is too great to ever be invoked for any purposes.
{689 PE is 4500 years ago} Elsire found a strange detail bellow the text where the symbol of the complete sigil between the alliance of elves and the knights of Zenatharion where inprinted. This alliance was broken after the second great war against the land of darkness for 6000 years ago and the mark thus obsolute when the text was created with more than 1500 years...
{end of session 7}

The journey to Zyr
After finishing exploring the ruin the team decided to leave the neigbourhood and travel to Zyr to gain reliable information. The trip was fairly eventless but on the ferry to Zyr they spoke to a nobleman from Mydak and a traveling mercant. The merchant was very interested in magic items and they showed the box found in the house of the evil spelluser. The merchant could not identify the box but could pay 45 gold for it since he thought that the inscription hinted that it was a very rare object. The team didn't want to sell it without knowing the contents and when the ship arrived they left the merchant and went to the upper city.

{The upper city is a large area of librarys and temples surronded by a huge citywall. Common people and visitors that are not members of the Guild of magic lives in a number of lesser cities that surrond Zyr. Only with special permission can the upper city be entered, the members of the guild in the group could bring the rest of the group as visitors}

Devlum Talnak, priest of Alroth
The team went to Justarious mentor and managed to get him interested in the story about Fyrol Angladon. After describing what they knew Talnak assigned the team to continue the investigation of Angladon and the missing dagger. Talnak determined that Angladon must be a Lich but didn't like the sound of all the details and left the possibillity that he could be something much worse.

Tyndok, priest of Yvlum
The team visited Tyndok and showed him the book of Ozgoth form the the temple in Rydoz. It had value beyond comparisson. Ozgoth was one the first arcane spellusers and leader of a group of spellusers living in the temple at Impedion. The most ancient text belonging to the Guild of magic referres to books written by Ozgoth but no real book by him has ever been found. The team decided to let Tyndok start translating the book after signing a deal that promised them a complete translation even if the priests would decide what could be spread and what was to dangerous to tell common people.

Locastion, priest of Mendelotz
The inscriptions on the box showed that it belonged to Orniuk. Mandelotz priests had for long time searched for one of these boxes to use a special made magic device to open it and find what is transported inside them. The team had not heard about Orniuk but got a bad feeling when they heard that the name have some kind of connection to MaMeth. The priests device would need a few days time to open the box so the team gave the box to Locastion.

The search for information in the archieves
{This section will only list things that the group actually did find, and not mention everything that the failed to find and what they did to succed}

Kondagion was constructed for 8000 years ago by 20 members of the Guild of magic, it was intended to be used against the darkness. For 7200 years ago Irod and eight other of the devlopers left the Kondagion since they didn't want to continue using it. Some of the keys used to start the Kondagion had been defect and the use of one of these had made they artifact instable and made it to start itself (the keys were the 21 Kondagi). The nature of the problem is unknown today bacause of missing books but the remaining people continued to experiment in the following years. The problem was appearantly deadly since when the Ht'lians from Elrochia arrived some years later they found them all dead. After sealing the artifact they declared the area to be off limit even for members of the Guild of magic and returned to their country.

The Kondagion remained forgotten untill after the second war against the shadow when the Guild of magic decided to open it again to see if it could be used safely. The Ht'lians had died during the war and could not object but the investigators didn't like the feel of the place and since they hadn't any key anyway they left it untouched. 4700 years ago the legendary Fan Galas visited the Kondagion and found that something was seriously wrong. The invesigators had damaged the magic left by the Ht'lians and Kondagion was close to start itself. Fun Galas created a ritual that was would reinforce the damaged magic seal and also created a artifact that would keep track of the Kondagion and show when it was activated. Shortly after this Fun Galas left the Guild of magic and fought in H'min Tangs war against the trolls on Elroch. After this war that was won by the trolls he created the legendary harp of joy but was soon after this killed together with H'min Tang {for details see the Fun Galas, the magican of joy campaign}.

The Kondagi of Irod that was found in the chamber of Ardezia was hidden by the alliance between elfs and highmans two hundreds of years later. Present when the item was hidden were Fasroth, Camorbrin, Lurandiel, Akandell and Tyndial. After some research it was confirmed that: Camorbrin was the high elf king, Akandell a greyelf general, Tyndail a knight of Zenatharion. The real surprise was Fasroth that was the leaders of the H'tlians at the battle of Impedion (about 100 000 years ago). More research told that it was Fasroth that created the mysterious anchor used at the Impedion and that the Guild have searched his advice as late as 2234 NE (800 years ago) when there was time to chose a new leader for the Guild. The answer they got was by the way that there was no good leader present and eventually Zonar was chosen since he was the only candidate.

No information of the mysterious Irama mentioned on the text in the hiding place of the Kondagi was found. It looked like somebody had on purpose removed every reference of this group.

The team learnd that the magic power left from Impedion should have diasapeared for ages ago if something hadn't been feeding it. The center of the continent has allways had a bad reputation and when they started to look for a pattern they found hundreds of reports about strange events.

MaMeth, Orniuk and Ma'raz
These names appear at the most strange places and allways with connection to the darkness in the lands of the night. Often evil plots are reported to be on the order of one of these. Orniuk name is often mentioned during times of much illness. Ma'raz has very seldom been mentioned but it known that the name is used a lot in the lands of darkness. MaMeth is the one that are used most often in the free world but even this name is clouded in mystery. The knights of Zenatharion reports that the lands of the night are sometimes sayed to belong to these three beeings but they are also sayed to be devided into four diffrent parts so the meaning of this is unclear.

The artifact tracking the Kondagion
After spending hours in the archieve and speaking to Encralion the third man in the Guild the team finaly got the idea to check Fun Galas tracking device. The artifact was a large table (10 meters long and one meter wide) with a coulpe of colored beads spread a long a scale printed in the middle. The team spended a couple of minuts of looking at the ten yellow beads discussing what the timescale was on the table untill they started to look at the other colors. Three black beads was spread over the table but more interesting were two red beads at the end of the table. The team had earlier made the guesss that yellow bead represented the ritual preformed every 100 years and Justarious checked to see if one the beads could represent 2969 and got very pale when he found that the last bead could match the year exactly. After seeing Justarious reaction the team went to Encralion to confirm their guess and Encralion arrived with a number of high members of the council. The black beads were referring to tries from the Kondagion to start itself. The red beads was the reason for the councils interest, they showed times when the Kondagion had been activated by one of the keys. The council ordered a large meeting and summoned the team to speak to the council and explain themself.

The council meeting
The team arrived to the council where everyone from Zonar to priests of the lesser religions were present. It was soon concluded that the first of the beads representing 2962 was unknown but that 2969 could be the attack of the Iklytzs citys were Justarios used to live. This attack has allways been a mystery since the attackers was never seen before or after, but Kondagion (that lies on the sea outside of Kar) could be the answer. Zonar questioned how the group had started to look at mystery of the Kondagion and the group was close to get into real trouble when trying to explain everything in order. Nothing had been settled when suddenly a messenger arrived and offered a message to Zonar. Zonar canceled the meeting and left. The group questioned the messenger and learnded that there had been a massacre on a Inn in the lower city.

The missing nobleman from Mydak
The team arrived to the Inn and found everyone dead. The peopled seemed to have died without defending themself since their weapon was not drawn. One of the dead were the merchant from the ferry over to Zyr and the team got really suspicious when they heard that the nobleman from Mydak had escaped with his men from the Inn seconds after the killing had started. Together with the Weissmen (the group of magehunters and wizards that keeps security for the Guild of magic) they started to track the nobleman. The team wondered what kind of monster that could be hidden in a treasure chest and followed the trace down into the harbour. In the harbour they found the treasure chest down in the water and discovered that it was filled with treasure. Many of the noblemans soldiers was also found dead and hidden by a spell of illusion. In a nearby house the noble man and his last three soldiers was found hideing. The noble man could offer no clue about the identity of the attacker since the killer had been invisible.

The invisible killer
The team concluded that the killer probably was after the box belonging to Orniuk and ran towards the Mandelotz temple. When they arrived to the upper city they found that the guards by the gate were dead and they sounded the alarm and continued towards the temple. Together with a couple of Weissmen the team entered the temple and soon found dead priests. In central chamber they found the remaining priests in a circle, they had gotten a omen of a evil attacker and was now keeping guard. The team explained that the attacker probably was after the box and they went to the chamber with the box. The box was missing and the Weissmen started to try to dispell the invibillity of the attacker when the wall suddenly exploded. The team followed the invisible attacker outside to try to catch him.

An armed horror
The hole in the wall went outside to the square in front of the hall of the council and the team saw Zonar and a couple of other high spellusers ready to attack. The spell they casted was really strange and turned the day into night, in the center of the square a giant knight appeared. The knight was 2.6 meters high and equiped in a black armor, shield and a glowing trident. The knight rode on huge warhorse and after sending a black beam towards Zonar he rode away from the square. The beam hit the group around Zonar and sended everybody flying except Zonar of course. Zonar and the team tried to hit the knight with spells and missile weapons but could not seriously harm him bfore it was to late.
{end of seeion 8}

Getting a mission
When the meeting continued Maritox tryed to question Zonar about the attacker but Zonar refused to say anything and called his spell a lucky guess. The team suggested that the enemys must know which kind of Kondagi that is safe to use and the council concluded that somebody must visit the Kondagion and check for more details. Encralion equiped the team with a magic wand that would gather information, he also revealed that he knew the exact location of the Kondagion (information that he earlier claimed to don't have). Before the team left they asked around a bit with their usual lack of focus and only managed to get the name of the attacker, Zomloth.
{to the team member that failed to ask the person mentioned in the paper he got before the session and besides got Zomloth listed in his background I can only say that you truely amazes me}

The Kondagion
The team travelled to their ship and set sail. A few weeks later they arrived to the Kondagion. At the place they found a suspected pirate ship but decided to check the backside of the ship. On the other side they discovered a round metal platform and turned the ship towards the large ship. The crew on ship seamed to be preparing to leave and refused to reveal their identity or talk at all to the team. The team shoated that they wanted to talk to the man with missing two fingers and finaly got some reaction. The captian appeared and said that Idok wasn't present but that he could deliever a message to him. The team said Idok was wanted in Zyr and the captian that seamed more and more worried ordered the ship to leave.

Inside the Kondagion
The team had from Encralion a complete description of a way that was cleared by the guild of magic during their last visit and followed it down. On the way they discovered evidence that suggested that somebody had entered a lab through a wentilation duct but they choose to continue downwards. At the center of the Kondagion they found the control panel when they suddenly discovered a man in black robe working in some distance. Maritox fired a arrow and got a instant kill after a perfect shot. On the man the team found Kanji's Kondagi that had the opposite direction in the magic field compared to theirs. The team decided to leave the Kondagion before anything more happened.

On the suface they found that the wind had died and Cvalndlir discovered strange magic currents in the air. He also noticed that the Kondagi where reacting and picked them up to examine them again. In shock he discovered that Kanji's Kondagi had changed orintation and was know identical to Irod's Kondagi. Pheron summoned a weak wind and the team entered their ship. They only got a short distance before the Kondagion activated and start to suck water into the air around itself. The team attached themself to the ship moments before it went up into the air. After a while the draft upwards stopped and the ship started to fall slowly. In the air nine evil looking ships appeared and flew southward. Justarious recognized the ships as the same that attacked his hometown. The groups ship started to fall slowly towards the water while the nine ships landed on the water and fast disapeared towards the south.

Leaving Kondagion
The ship was turned upside down but the team managed to avoid any injurys. The team decided that would rather avoid getting caught in the havoc when the Kondagion closed and started trying to getting their ship fit to sail. They also entered the Kondagion to check a inscription on a wall. The inscription was made from the Ht'lians and warned that the Irama possibly could affect the operation of the Kondagion. The team left the Kondagion and set sail towards Iklytz.

A visit to the Creliodon des Artox (firebrand against darkness)
In Iklytz the group soon found the Creliodon group that Justarious was searching for to learn more about his family. Creliodon des Artox is an ancient organization that has been fighting darkness for ages. The group doesn't got the large army they used to have in ancient times but still gather information about evil and use the information to protect the innocent. After some asking the team learned that Justarious father was hired by the intelligence of Inzitas to examine a attack in Inzita shortly before his death. Inzitas intelligence had tventy years ago been investigating an old temple made by the Ht'lians when enemys arrived and slaughterd all persons present. Inzita claimed that the attackers where the Irama, old enemys of Ht'lians and clouded in mystery. Creliodon had made some investigations and learned that there was individuals among the knights of Zenatharion that were to believed to know the truth of the attacks, when suddenly Irama arrived and burned the familys city down.
{end of session 9}

A very small man
The team sailed to Mydak and entered a small city after passing the border. They entered an local inn to get some information. The was quite deserted with just a few guests. A very small man, that sat in the corner without eating, got their attention. His clothes was suited for hard winter and he just sat there without eating. The team approached and tried to talk to him but only got mumbles back. After using a little magic and thinking they concluded that the man was hungry but wouldn't eat anything except goat. After some discussion with the innkeeper thay got the little man more friendly with the promise of food. The man was in truth a gnome with the name Emroth. He told that he was on a treasure hunt for a special crystal vase. The gnome started to speak about his misfortunes during his years of search, this contiuned for minuts until the team finaly managed to stop him and suggest that they should buy the map. After some discussion the team brought the map and the riddle that was needed to find the treasure. Pi took this moment to challenge the gnome in combat and Emroth was so afraid that he jumped in panic through a portal in the wall. The team was left with the map and the gnome's food that had just arrived. They ate the food and decided to speak to other visitors of the Inn.

Two merchants and a friendly man
The team heard that the merchants was planning to make a trip to a mine in the center of Mydak and needed bodyguards. They offered their services but the merchants declared that they prefered some professional guards from a fighters guild. A lone man that had been present during the talk with the gnome proved to be more friendly. His name was Fyrol Iglion and he told the group that the gnome had been trying to sell the map for days to passing travelers. Iglion had recently come from Kar where he had been a part of a group of highwaymens. With exceptional bad luck they had managed to attack the local crime lord's special wagon and been almost killed by the crime lord's men. The leader of the defenders had been a exceptionally skilled fighter and the surviveing higwaymen had found it best to leave Kar quickly. When questioned about men with missing two fingers, Fyrol recalled that he had seen a servant to a knight that missed two fingers in a town three weeks earlier. The team decided to go to this town and see if they could find anything useful.

An unexpected meeting
The group arrived to the Inn and found a lone man dressed in green clothes. They questioned the man about men with missing two fingers and found that he had interesting knowledge even while he hadn't seen the knight and servant they where looking for. He had earlier worked with Idok Trepe and Oswum Tibe and revealed that he believed that they took orders from a man named Morbioc Aglesh. They did also learn that Idok was from a town named Ractime in the center of Mydak. By now the group was very curious about the identity of this man and asked him for his name. The man said his real name was Agul Frindan but that he was known as Marido. Marido was a short form for Marido-chan-ratz, a title he had got from the elves when he accepted a special mission. Marido revealed that the name meant the one searching for Marido or possibly Maridos but refused to discuss it anymore. It had been Fyrol Angladon himself that had hired Marido, Kylad Marox and the men without two fingers to dispose his relatives in Parax. Marido had soon departed the group since the others were quite insane and behaved very unpredictable. The group did also learn that Kar had recently been assulted by the same kind of strange omens that torments Kyndos. Pi decided that it again was time for a challenge and invited Marido to a dual. Marido accepted but proved to be more than a match for Pi.
{If Pi had won that battle, I would probably have had to make him famous on a couple of continets as a result}

Following Harmon Harx
After leaving Marido the group asked the Inn keeper about men with missing two fingers. The knight had been Harmon Harx. He and his servant a man named Pardic Garnantac had left three weeks ago for the capital Pandiac. Pardic had recently lost two fingers and had his left hand bandaged and unusable. The decided to travel to Pandiac at highest possible speed. A week later they arrived to Pandiac but found that Harmon Harx had left a week earlier to an unknown destination.

A strange begger
Soon after that they got to Pandiac they met a man dressed as a begger but behaving in a suspicious way. The team asked the man who he really was and learnd that he was on the run from a group of men that wanted him for a suposed rape of a noble lady. The false begger claimed to be inocent and was deseperately trying to stay away from the bounty hunters until the child was born. He hoped that the child would be so diffrent from him that none could claim him as the father. The begger heard that the group got a boat named Paranoia and asked to be allowed to come with them when they left. The man guided them to the house where Harmon Harx had stayed but nothing could be found except that he had a few visitors with missing fingers and many persons the crimnial world. The crimnial contacs had turned up dead a few days earlier in the harbor.

An unsuccessful ambush
When they group left the house they were attacked by arrows from a roof. The arrows seamed to be directed at the begger but missed. The group splitt up and tried to catch the attackers. Gedeon encountered the two female attckers on a nearby street but was awarded with a set of nasty arrow wounds when he attacked with his bow. Pheron had cast flying on himself and from above he saw that the attackers had joined with a spelluser and created a giant tiger made of glowing light that blocked the street they had used to escape. Pheron decided to kill the spelluser to get rid of the tiger and he casted a firebolt towards the man. Like usual the attack wasn't deadly and again Pheron found himself unconscious after a very nasty hit from a bolt and fell towards the street.
{Believe it or not but Pheron didn't take any serious critical during the incident but he was quite unconscious since he ended on a -80 concussion hits.}

A spectacular battle
The city guard guild arrived but the group could fairly simple prove that they were the victims and even got some emergency healing for the wounded. The group started to look for the missing begger and finaly encounterd him on a backstreet. He told the group that these were the bounty hunters that followed him and sugested that the group should make a fast exit from Pandiac. Halfway to harbor they again ran into a trap and this time the begger was down with a arrow in his chest and head. The group picked the man and ran towards the closest temple to try to find a healer. Behind them was the two female warriors, the spelluser and a man with spear. The spelluser had again summoned the giant cat but somehow the group made it into a temple and locked the door behind them. They had just left the door when it exploded when the glowing cat attacked it. Pheron made a warcry and casted a fireball towards the attackers and downed the fighter armed with a warmattoc. The repons was that the cat made an attack and Pheron fell to the floor as the cat disapeared. In this moment the begger had waked up, still with an arrow in the head, and started to move forward. The spelluser on the street hit him with a bolt but it was absorbed befor it hit him and the begger responded by a rain of fire, ice and lightning in all directions. A glowing wall protected the attackers on the street and the group survived even while most of the tempelhall was badly affected by the destructive magic. Gedeon was starting to feel a bit suspicious and cast detect unholy on the begger. Gedeon's spell failed but the moment later he strongly felt the presence of Ultara and Gedeon saw in horror that the begger was over the top of the unholy scale. Gedeon pointed at the begger and shoated to the others to kill him at any cost and the team turned around to face the stumbling begger. The group advanced but the false begger was obvious resistant to wounds and strong enough to toss people to the other side of the room. At the last second the female fighter with a sword and the man with a spear joined in a powerful exorcism spell that sended the begger running.

Unexpected powers at work
The both groups follwed the begger through the temple and after destroying a wall they spotted the begger that had jumped over the wall to a nearby street. The man with the spear had a strange wolf medallion in his hand and throwed it after the begger. The medallion turned into a giant wolf but the moment after the wolf appeared it stoped in the air surrounded by a blue light. The blue light extended and blow the surrounding houses into dust during a continueing quake. When the force reached the group it wasn't deadly but still lifted all up and sended them flying. When they landed the wolf started to move and caught the begger a half block away and tore him appart. The wolf was gone and from the beggers body a dark smoke departed and diasapeared to the south. After some explainations to the city guard the other group left after picking Cvalndlir as a tracker. Cvalndlirs family had earlier been assulted by Moglesh the begger demon and he felt that his family honor required him to make sure that the demon was permanently dispoased.

A group of gnomes
The group was ready to leave after that all wounds had been taking care of when a group of gnomes appeared. The gnomes asked for the color of the force field surrounding the wolf. When they heard that it had been blue they looked relieved and granted the group the answer for a single question as a reward for their help. After some discussion the group asked for the reasons to the blue force field. The gnomes answered that the forcefield had been built up during the wolf medallions absence. When back in this world the magic of the medallion had to tune itself to be able to work properly. The blue color indicated that this had been done in a safe way. The gnomes departed and the group decided that they couldn't do much more for the moment and left the place.

The town of Ractime
The group decided to leave the capital since they had lost the track on Harmon Harx and go to Idok's hometown. Ractime proved to be a small town that appeared peaceful but some searching revealed disturbing rumors. Idok had been a captain on the local fighters guild 15 years earlier when two strangers arrived to the town. A mercenary named Oswum Tibe and a priest named Darsak. They had all disapeared from their rooms and turned up a day later with two fingers missing. The interesting thing was that this was just the first incident, many suspected criminals had lost their fingers during the following years. The last victim had been a poor noble man named Pardic Garnantac with many debts. A strange spelluser with a skull on a staff had also asked questions recently. His name was Dwarac Myonlin and he had arrived a week later and asked the same kind of questions as the group. He claimed to be a messenger of the guild of magic and had almost scared the locals to death.

A nightly trip
It seemed that the victims disapeared at night from their rooms and the group decided to stay avake. Late in the night the heard stange sounds from the corridor and found that two men was abducting a oriental man. The group followed the men through the streets and saw them enter a secret door. They followed the men down a stair and saw them returning from a hidden lift. They let the men go away and used the lift to get to a hidden temple. The man lay on altar with glowing candles in a room filled with strange statues and the group fast got the man but found that the lift had stopped working when they tried to leave. Pheron tryed to cast fly but his spell was dispelled as the wall and the statues disapeared. The room was suddenly much bigger and a man was standing behind a number of switches. Above the group and metal grate hung with nasty spikes.

A dangerous offer
The man told the group that he knew they were looking into his affairs but that he could ignore that if they helped him with a simple task. He wanted the group to find a kill Dwarac that was looking too deaply into his affairs. The group would take a magic oath and be allowed to leave compelled by the oath. The group tried to reason a way out of the trap when the man shoated in pain. He tried to pull the lever but found in stuck as the walls melted away and revealed a man clothed in black. The man that obviously was Dwarac raised his staff and the locked grate of the lift turned into dust. The man had used the moment to escape through a narrow hole close to the floor. The group started to follow the man as Dwarac's powerful spells destroyed the traps he had activated. After passing a few rooms they were back up on the street but the way was blocked by a group of fighters. The eight fighters died a fast death as the group backed by Pheron's and Dwarac's magic attacked and killed them but the man had got the needed time to escape. The group returned to hideout to look for clues but Dwarac declared that he would take all evidences back to the Guild of magic for investigation.
{end of session 10}

Returning to Zyr
The group spoke to the man they had saved and learnt that he was Ribo Ogyon from the orient. They left him and visited the local lawman to report of what had happend. From the lawman they got an list on known persons that lost their fingers in Ractime. Idok Trepe, Oswum Tibe, Darsak, Hargun Ogrok, Pardic Garnantac, Magil Bornok, Ibyn Wandilo och Asrak Hangyl. The group decided to return to Zyr together with Dwarac Mondio. On the trip through Ardezia they heard rumors that a man, that was on a giant lizard, together with Zomloth had burned a Mandelotz temple in the south some weeks earlier.

Reporting to Zonar
At Zyr some new master bard was holding a show but the team decided that it was more important to report to Zonar as soon as possible. After some delays Zonar, Rozgoth, Encralion and some minor men from the council appeared. Present was also a mysterious man named Magrok, Magrok sat still with his staff in his hand listening without saying anything. The group asked about the man and Zonar answered that he had been forced to let Magrok follow him around and reading his and the guilds scrolls freely. Pheron asked about the Sa'ting'il'athor that he knew Encralion had been asking about but Encralion could only tell that it was in dragon language and some kind of battle cry for Draconians. After handing over the wand that had been charged at Kondagion and retelling significant events from the journey the team picked their reward of ten gold and left. Outside they saw Magrok beeing assulted by a large fellow with a warhammer. The stranger claimed to have signed a contract and wanted the rewards granted by the deal now. Pheron tryed to put them to sleep with a slumber mist spell but didn't manage to affect the large warior. The warrior recognized that Pheron had cast the spell and made some treats before he walked around a nearby corner and disappeared without a trace. Magrok didn't want to talk to the group and returned to his luxurious house without knowing that the group followed after him.

The book of Ozgoth
Shortly after Alexander appeared and the group went home to his rented house on the outside of the city. The next morning the group spoke to the priests of Mandelotz about that Zomloth had razed a temple and heard that he had been destroying many other temples. The priests of Mandelotz had fooled Zomloth during the last visit and hidden the real Orniuk box before Zomloth arrived. Fake boxes had been brought to many temples and Zomloth had since then been busy trying to find the right temple. The group visited Locastion to ask about the translation of the book of Ozgoth and found that the translation was finished.

Comments about the book of Ozgoth

The book is a summary of work done by the elf Ozgoth and his researchers at Delmathnion. It covers the last 260 years work before the battle of Impedion. The writer is Ozgoth himself who is recognized as the founder of many known magicarts. Delmathnion was the research center fo the Impedia empire and it's fame is without comparission but real details about this legendary building has so far been hard to find.

Magic technology
The book covers a huge number of magic inventions. Many are impossible to create with modern magic but the book is considered highly dangerous and the contents is therefor classified by the priests of Yvlum. Two of them are interesting enough to appear in this report.

This device was actually developed by Delmathnion but never constructed. The power of Kondagion is quite restricted and early tests showed strange problems with the design that made the researchers to leave the project. The problem is not the teleportation or control of the beings but the scaning. To be able to call creatures Kondagion uses a special device that locates suitable beings and tells the system how they should be controlled. The problem is that this magic can be detected by the targets and used in the other direction. It is also believed that long uses of the device can make it possible for the targets to adapt to the control device. There are notes that shows that Ozgoth commnicated with Fasroth about this matters and that the Ht'lians was very negative about the Kondagion. Kondagion can control at most 128 diffrent beeings but could in theory bring an unlimited number under the command of the constrolled creatures. To prevent that enemys destroy Kondagion under use to disable it and create havoc it was constructed to be completly indestructible. The thought was that the Kondagi keys could allways be destroyed to prevent missuse.

Ozgoth claims that this mysterius thing was responible for the corruption of the empire of Impedia. The details are few but some kind of accident happened and the god Ma'raz of the Impedia turned evil. Gradually he made the emperor turn into more obscure habits. The elfs that were resistant from his influences was forced to leave but they did not realize the danger when they left. The emperor forced the Delmathnion research more powerfull weapons but finaly he requested a weapon that was beyond all limits. Ozgoth's friend Fasroth of the Ht'lians tried to make the emperor understand the danger but Ma'raz intervened and tried to kill Fasroth. Fasroth couldn't face the might of the god himself but was able to escape. Ozgoth was forced by Ma'raz's forces to complete the weapon but was able to in secret send details to Fasroth. When the weapon was finaly completed a strange magic beast attacked the researchers. It's name was Ztown and it was strong beyond anything known. The weapon would have been destroyed if not Ma'raz and a army of demons had attacked and brought the weapon away. In the emperor's pallace the weapon was used again to try to kill Ztown that had followed them there. The impact shattered most of the city Impedion with the exception of the magic beast that seamed to increase it's powers when hit by the destructive magic. The weapon used energy from the Thorgiaden and this dangerous use made the rest of the world finaly notice the danger of Impedia and armys were sended from every part of the world to combat Ma'raz's forces. The leader for the attackers was Fasroth the lightbringer and the book tells that he had gathered all the elmentary races from low to high. The last note in the book tells that Ozgoth intends to join with Fasroth and use their new weapon, the planar anchor, to defeat Ma'raz and destroy his ultimate weapon.

Extra comments
A large number of keys escaped the intended destruction when the owners departed the Kondagion before the final disaster. The exact numbers of Kondagi to still exist is unknown but educated guesses points to fewer than ten.

It is welldocumented that Ozgoth died 60000 years later when Leviathan attacked his hometown. Ozgoth was then 126000 years old but yet allways refers to Fasroth as the ancient one.

It is clear that the condition of Rydoz is because of the weapon but even the awsome forces from the Thorgiaden weapon should have disapeared ages ago if not something kept feeding the ground with more energy.

The beast Ztown is mentioned in many legends with great respect and often linked with water but seldom actually appears in these tales. He is sometimes said to be the pet of Haz'kta but his modern followers denys this. His connections with water have also made people believe that he is related to the mysterius Waterwitch of Wyntox but the last references to this witch is close to 7000 years old so this is hard to check.

The Thorgiaden itself is a mystery, no other sources mentions this powersource. Ozgoth hints that this was the most powerful engery source known at this time and it is thus very strange that the knowledge of this artifact has been forgotten. One possible reason can be that it was only known to a limited group that died or kept the secret for some reason. A possible alternative is that the artifact is known under a diffrent name today.

Stealing a important scroll
Gedeon had got an assignment to steal a scroll from a man arriveing to the north port. The group sat there waiting for theship to arrive when a man blue eyes and silver colored hair appeard. The man spoke to the group and appeared to know a lot about them. He called himself Tim the enchanter and wanted to join them to help them solve the mystery of the Kondagion. The group was very suspicious about Tim but their questioning stoped when the man with the scroll arrieved. There was some initial confusion until Gedeon concluded that he was suposed to steal the scroll and not ask for it. The scroll read

The time is running up. The mighty Syruth says that the chosen has been born. The man without a follower is here and when he starts to move we must be ready to take action if we want to gain the power. In Al'Kryza the ancient dragon must be awakened before the desert riders take control of him. Be also prepared to steal the special horn when it appears.
The oracle of Syruth

When this event was over Tim the enchanter had joined the group. Alexander returned the scroll to the old man and Gedeon left a copy to the Ultara priests before the group decided to leave Zyr.

The city Kablock in Al'Kryza
The team decided to travel to Al'kryza to investigate the background to the scroll. Five weeks later Paranoia arrived to Kablock and team started to ask around at the Guild of magics center outside of the town. The gnome archievekeeper told that the desert riders are a group of rebels in the desert that wants to break free from the empire. He could not reveal anything about the ancient dragon but a man from the emperors palace had been asking about the tome of dragons and a hill named the head of the dragon a few days ago. The legends tells that a giant hero had cut the head of a mighty dragon and formed the head of the dragon there for 5000 years ago. The guild don't belive in this legend since their records shows that the hill and the stone called the tooth of the dragon has been there from the begining of the recorded history. The tome of the dragons was written in the begining of time by the legendary dragonmage Eltai to allow mortals to safely deal with dragons.

Gathering rumors
The group spended some time looking up rumors. Abul Idoga of the emperors palace had hired a dragon expert earlier this morning. The golden hawk, a warriors guild from Mydak had arrived a few days earlier and camped outside the city. The guild is under the command of Sarli Frandic, a very secret woman that is known to only accept very interesting assignments for her guild. A group of Merchants had a yesterday been killed by a dragon creature. The group went to examine and found that it must have been a dragon but that the dragon appeared to lack a breathing weapon. On the way back they spoke to some men from the Golden hawk guild but didn't learn anything significant.

Speaking to Abul Idoga
The group visited the emperors servant and his dragon expert. The dragon expert Ogun Ogyon proved to be the brother of Ribo Ogyon and the team thus gained some trust from him. Abul Idoga had hired Ogun to counter the treat from the desert riders and he agreed that he and the group should work together. The team asked about the Sa'ting'il'athor and learnd that it means "the gathering of tribes at Thor". Ogun claimed to not know exactly what tribes it spoke about but told that it was part of an old prophecy for the Draconians of Al'kryza. They would gather in a time of crises and regain their fromer glory. The hill named the dragon head was revealed as an ancient holy dragon site but the team didn't learn the reasons for this status. Tim chose this moment to mention that he knew that the local Mandelotz temple was the hiding place of the Orniuk box and the group hastly moved towards the temple. At the street close to the temple they encountered some temple guards that had been released from guarding duty by a strange old man. The team tried to pray to their gods to allert them but some strange magic muted their call.

An empty temple
The group moved through the temple and only encountered a two priests that was on the way out. One priest ran for help while the other showed them the hall where the box was. The box was surrounded by the magic lockpicking device that was busy opening the box. Shortly after the high priest arrived and told the group that the reason everybody was moved away from the temple was that they would be attacked by Zomloth. Nobody should be present that wasn't neaded to beat him back to keep the losses small. The high priest sugested that the group should stay while he and his priest would escape.

Strangers arrive
The group stod there waiting when the large fellow with the warhammer from Zyr entered and then suddenly disappeared. Shorly after a group of adventurers entered. After some short discussion the newcomers placed themself in front of the group that was suposed to be the last defence. One of the newcomers informed that Irutz and Haz'kta had tricked Agrolnoc away from the city and thus broken the lock against channeling. The box was just a few minuts from breaking down when Zomloth arrived. Zomloth attacked first and catched the new group of heroes in a black net of force from his trident. "Thus the good gods they at the hands of the mighty Zomloth" Zomloth shoated and raised his trident to gain power enough to kill the gods that he had trapped.

Fooling Zomloth
Zomloth was distracted when Yvlum answered that the brave heroes in front of him would defeat him. Confused Zomloth scaned the group to find how they could face him in battle but found nothing. Alexander understood the opportunity and challenged Zomloth right to take the box since it was stolen from Orniuk and now belonged to Mandelotz. The rest of the group catched the idea and started shoating insluts and questions at Zomloth. Zomloth tried to gether his thoughts but was completly confused and finaly asked if this was a trap. The gods answered yes in one voice.

The death of Zomloth
From the celling window the stranger from Zyr jumped down but in the air he turned into a troll dressed in plate armor. He hit Zomloth with his warhammer so hard that Zomloths helmet was deformed badly. Zomloth shoated "This can't be, I am suposed to be strongers than all the other gods" and tried to raise his trident but Mazk'tesch answered "Why must it allways be the most stupied..." and then continued to deform Zomloth armor with his glowing warhammer. Finaly he raised the deformed lump of metal and all the gods destoyed it with a storm of magic. The molten metal landed on Mazk'tesch but he ignored it and went over to the other gods and demanded his payment. The gods agreed and then left seconds before the box finaly opened. The box was destroyed and left was an evil looking black mirror.
{end of session 11}

The worst mistake ever made in campain
After the finish in the Mandelotz temple the team parted to check up things privately. Pi decided to follow Justarious and saw him talking to the knights of Zenatharions and then entering a suspicious house. He heard the knockings on the door and decided to try to gain entry with repeating them. The door was opened and he entered a very rich office. When asked why he was there he said that he had a message from Fyrol Angladon. The men present sended a warning and three spellusers, four Paladins and four knights entered. They hastly formed a circle around Pi and asked him what he wanted. Pi said that he felt they were standing to close and they moved away but pulled up their weapons. Pi now said that Angladon was very angry over the involvements in his affairs and that he would not be kind if they continued. The leader of group asked what him for something more useful with the treat of violence in case of a bad answer. Pi said that Angladon had powerful allies that would be quite violent if something happend him. The leader asked if he was hinting that Angladon had allies that was worse than Irama and if tventy years of more or less war was not hostile enough in most people books. Pi couldn't recall what Irama was and pulled his cloak back to reveal his face. The surrounding group looked at him in horror and then knocked him down. He regained conscious in a street alley some hours later without any items or money.

{Pi choses a random name from the campaign and picks Fyrol Angladon!!! Pi have missed what Irama is and forgotton their conection with Kondagion (Yes I know it is not part of his own plot but...)!!! Pi tries to continue fool the unknown men even while they obvious got Paladins!!!}

Searching for clues about Kylad Marox
Maritox asked around and found that trading company with bad reputation possibly made affairs with Marox and the team entered their office to ask questions. The man working there was reluctant to say anything but said so much that it was clear that he was selling unlegal things for Marox. The team used a question spell and made the man reveal when the next shipment would arrive. After this the gruop soon had convinced the man that they would keep it quiet if he helped them a little. They man promised that the shipment would arrive as planned and that he would not tell anyone. He also revealed that Kylad Marox uses to call himself the black one when he doesn't want to be recognized.

Visiting the pallace
The group asked around after the toom of dragons and learnd that a number of adventurers had departed for the town that Adil Sinro used to live in. This hero stole the book from the Draconians 200 years ago. The group decided to go to the pallace and speak with Abul Idoga and his advisor Ogun Ogyon. Ogun had not arrived but Abul was not very concerned when suddenly a gorgeous girl entered the room dressed in a very revealing outfit. She desperatly wanted somebody to fetch a massage from an adress in the town and without considering she handed out eight gold. The rest of the group chose Alexander to get the message but didn't count on him handing out the gold to poor people on the way. The massage read Contact Kabri Asbadi. After the girl left, Abul told the group that she was his sister Elafin. He asked if the group could do some checking when they returned since he believed that she was in trouble.

Answers from Ogun
Ogun arrived with a fresh wound on his arm. He had been assulted by a ten beggers on a street and got a minor wound in the fight when he cased them off. The team asked for details about the dragons and the names. Ogun had checked his books and could verify that the toom of dragons probably was hidden in the rooms of the adventurer. He had not much to say about the Sa'ting'il'athor but that it is very important for the Draconians. The head of dragon is a legendary place and only the oldest books speaks about it at all. It was in ancient times the gathering place of the dragons when they competed of whom should be the new leader of the dragons after that their old leader disappered. Abul now asked the team to go and recover the book before the desert riders could use it. Ogun told that the toom of dragons include spells that can be used by nonspellusers to if a proper sacifice is made.

An almost eventless trip
Justarious had asked around a bit and found a man that needed to get a safe travel along the river. After doing some spellchecks on the man named Lori Gelum he was allowed to enter the ship. They have just sailed a short while when Gelum asked if anybody knew something about the man riding on a giant lizard that was following the ship at the south side. In horror the team saw how Agrolnoc followed the ship beach. Pheron picked up one of his magical stones and the complete group called out in unison "Don't even think about it!". Pheron put down his stones but started to talk about the possibillity to fly up and send a firebolt towards Agrolnoc and the group without hesitation knocked him down. They picked all his magical stones and tied him securely.

And in the new day was the great horror gone
The next day Agrolnoc was gone and the group released Pheron and returned his items. They had just found a place for Paranoia when suddenly Gedeon disappeared down into the ground. He jumped up again but the ground around the invisible hole was suddenly very loose and Gedeon went back into the hole. A very angry Gedeon climbed up from the hole looking at Pheron that had a look of triumpf on his face. Gedeon asked why and got the response that Pheron was deadly tired on Gedeon's treatment of him. Gedeon had suggested that Pheron should be kept tied at the top of the mast. The rest of the group interfered and reminded them of that Agrolnoc still could be near and that the group got a quest to solve.
{We are still waiting for an explanasion of how Pheron could hear Gedeon's remark while he was unconscious}

Searching for the toom of dragons
The group went to the local library to find the location of the Adil Sinro's home with the hope that the book would be found in his home. Present at the library was also a girl named Mina Laurin, one of the adventurers that was looking for the book. She offered the team good health and luck in the search but was obviously intent on finding the book herself. The team found five diffrent possible places and arrived at the first a few minuts later. Outside of the house with the tower was five men in black robes trying to gain entry to the tower. The group decided to intervene and ask the owner of the tower if he needed help. The men in black robes tried to dismiss the team but suddenly changed tactics. Pi had steped forward and challenged them but the men recognized him in some way and made a fast exit while wispering a lot. The group followed them and saw them enter a Syruth temple.

Finding the right tower
On the third try the team found the right tower. A group of fighters from the desert had arrieved just before them and Alexander used his talents to make the enemy leader trust him and stand and talk to him. Pheron used the delay to get to the top of the tower and enter. He found that the book was gone and spotted the thiefs on the roof a number of houses away. He alerted the team and Alexander send the fighters in the wrong direction while the others cased after the book. Pheron was still flying and decided to try to stop the men.

Close combat
A group of adventurers had stoped the current owners of the book and Pheron cast a firewall between the groups and then levitated behind the men and the asked them to hand over the book. It would probably have worked if not a group of desert riders arrieved at that moment. Arrow started to fly and Pheron turned to identify the attackers. He soon understood that he needed to get away from the arrows and when he saw the two adventurers run into to house he followed. It was not best action since the desert riders had ancipated this and hit Pheron solid with three arrows. Pheron lost control but decided to try to get into the house and crashed in the doorway. The rest of the team arrived and cut the other group of with magic but after beating a number of desert riders they found that the desert riders had picked the book, Pheron and his jewels into a small tunnel. It was quite obvious that it would be suicide to follow the desert riders equiped with crossbows and the team decided to take the desert riders camels and try to intercept the desert riders.

The head of the dragon
The team travelled to the hill and when they arrieved there they found that three groups were present. The adventuerer Mina Laurin and friend, 220 desert riders and the five Syruth priests. The group sneaked up on the hill and found that the desert riders had made preparations for a ritual. The team stayed hidden when the desert riders came and decided to stay low when they saw the satisfied look on Pherons face. The ritual started and the priest started to read from the toom of dragons. Pheron waited until the right moment and then cast darkness around himself and burnt of the ropes. He used the confusion and ran away and the priest called out in horror when he discovered that the sacifice was gone.

The death of the desert riders
The toom of dragons started to spead fire while a giant bolt hit the small animal house on the north side of the hill. Out from the remains come a very angry Draconian that without hesitation finished the remaining desert riders. The team tried to approach carefully when a golden dragon arrived from the mountains and started to circle the hill. The team had time to learn that the Draconian claimed the book as his own when the Syruth priests arrived.

The God's demands
The priests declared that the Sa'ting'il'athor was close and that he must join Syruth so that both sides may pervail the struggle. The Draconian answered that he was the one that orders Sa'ting'il'athor and that he would never follow a god of humans. The Syruth priest summoned Syruth that activated the toom of dragons with a magic beam. A giant bolt hit the Draconian that was surrounded by a electrical field and knocked senseless. The field remained and started to spin faster and faster. Syruth couldn't finish the spell since the golden dragon fast approached and he changed in to flying serpent. In the air he started to avoid the dragon while he assembled some kind of force.

The end of the battle
The team took the opportionity to finish the Syruth priest that didn't recieve any magic from the god. They had justed finshed the last one when Syruth knocked the dragon unconscious with a spectacular bolt and landed. Luckly the Draconian had just regained conscious and disolved the energy field around him. "Did you think that would work, I wrote the spells in the book he said" and started to draw energy from the air. Syruth was just going to answer when a explosion was heard from the camp of the Syruth priests. Mina and her friend had just managed to destroy the artifact granting Syruth his powers. Syruth took of and tried to get away but the Draconian hit him with a fire storm of power. The sky opened itself and fire rained down and hit a squarekilometer turning the ground to solid glass. Needless to say Syruth was quite disolved.

Speaking with the Draconian
The team pushed forward Pi in the hope that he as an elementalbeeing would be able to gain his attention safely. Pi asked the Draconian to place the book in a safe place before he went back to sleep. The Draconian complained about the thiefs that had stolen the book and said that if he got his army would he take a terrible revenge on the ignorant humans. The problem was that to do this he needed his commander that wouldn't show up because the Draconian wanted to kill him. Pi asked about the commander but only learnt that it was the prince of the dragons that he spoke about. Pi tried to get information about the Sa'ting'il'athor and the Draconian answered with asking why Pi wanted to know. Pi said that he was just an unimportant gnoll but that the forces of good needed the information. The Draconain revealed that he knew Pi's name and asked him how he could think that he was of no importantance. Pi couldn't come up with an answer and the Draconian declared that it wasn't his job to educate stone elementars about their future. The Draconian orded the dragon to return the book to it's hiding place and then started to rebuild his house. The team found it best to leave before they provoked the Draconian and left. Their camels was still there but Mina had stolen the desert riders camels so this way of extra income was gone.
{end of session 12}

Returning to Kablock
The team returned towards Kablock after spending some time training new skills and learing new spells. They where close to Kablock when Pi asked if he and Alexander could be put on the shore. Pi and Alexander departed to seek the some gnolls that they wanted to ask questions to and later joined the others in the city. In the city Justarious and Alexander later managed to really get a suitable reward from the emperor and everyone was very pleased with the outcome. Most in the group wanted minor magic items but Pi had chosen fame and Alexander and Justarious had gotten something secret that they was very pleased with.

Checking up Elafin Idoga
The team now spended some time looking into the affairs of Elafin, the beutiful girl at the emperor's palace. They soon discovered that she was a a secret member of the Guild of magic and of the mentalism realm. Elafin seemed to be busy doing secret meetings with various minor members of the court. The group didn't manage to find anything usefull but spoke to a seer that told them about the problem the seers had with visions of great wars that blocked all visions into the future. In the evening Pi was on his way back when a stange man suddenly appeared and asked for a favor. He would give a magic ring that granted luck if Pi promised to be present at a certain square at nine o'clock to prevent something evil. Pi accepted the quest without asking any special questions.

The next morning
The group spoke to a man that had taken the Innkeepers place behind the counter. The Innkeeper had taken a serious wound and been transported to the closest hopital last night and the man had been called on short notice to run the Inn while he recovered. The group asked where they could find the Innkeeper but didn't react on the strange answer that the replacement man didn't know. Outside on the street Pi told the group about the deal that he must be present at the square to prevent something evil. Suddenly a large shadow passed when a dragon flew over the street. The group had heard rumors about dragons that had went crazy and started to get very nervous. The fast moved to the square but didn't find anything out of order.

Disturbing rumors
The street was very deserted but a few people passed by in great hurry. When they group asked a person why, they did learn that dragons had crushed many diffrent buildings and attacked the Guild of magics tower outside of the town. Then suddenly a strange group of fighters appeared guading a man in chains. It was Fyrol Angladon trapped in magic chains and guarded by a by three spellusers and a group of fighter. They were taking Angladon to court to question him as a darkfriend. He had attacked the dragons outside of the Guild tower and made the dragons raze it while the spellusers held council inside. The group sended a runner to nearby friends of Justarious for help but the house was razed and the friends presumely dead.

The court session starts
A trial started but the group could not prove anything and Angladon seemed quite relaxed. Suddenly the group noticed that afternoon sun was shining into the window even while the trial had started just some minuts ago. After speaking to the guards outside and hearing that a couple of hours had passed they moved the trial outside. Angladon denyed that he had been attacking any dragons and claimed to know nothing about the events of MaMeth's dagger in the Petelia temple. He sayed that he had been working undercover a lot of years and done research on magical artfacts like Kondagion and the Ht'lian anchor. The group tried to press him how he could be alive even while he was known to be dead but Angladon proved that he was alive by letting them cut him and see the wound bleeding.

Angladon's tale
Angladon said that the reason that the group had got everything wrong was they had missed Irama's shapeshifter. An evil artifact creature that could change his form in all possible ways. It's true form was that of a black shadow beeing that poisoned people by simply touching them. Irama had sended this monster over when the Kondagion was first activated twenty years ago and Angladon had tried to reveal and defeat this creature for the last twenty years. Angladon claimed to know nothing about the deaths of his relatives and said that he had spended the six missing years that Alexander asked about on Elroch trying to locate the Ht'lian anchor to use it to combat Irama.

The trial got more and more bizare
Angladon chose this moment to claim that he had not attacked any dragons and called the guards to support him. The guards supported him and said that it one of the Guild magicians present that had attacked the dragons. Angladon revealed that the spelluser had a Orniuk medallion around his neck and asked how a Petelia peace priest could anger a dragon in combat. Of course the medallion was found around the confused magicians neck. In this moment somebody discovered a giant claw of stone that appeared on the wall of a building over the warriors. Short after a giant beam of red light was discovered on the sky. Alexander went to investigate it and found that the town was surrounded by a wall of red energy.

More support for Angladon
All moved towards the ruins of the Guild of magic and passed the former barrack of the knights of Zenatharion. A knight was waiting outside of the ruins and he claimed that only reason that he and some of the knights had survived was that Angladon had warned them so that they had time to run out of the house. The group continued towards the ruins of the tower when suddenly a hole opened on a nearby street and tentacles pulled down a terrified civilian in the undergound. At the tower ruins they found nothing and was uncertain of what to do when Devlum Talnak came walking. Even while he is Justarious stepfather he didn't even greet him but said to Angladon that "they don't know anything usefull". With a laughter Angladons chains fell to ground and the soldiers around him suddenly screemed in panic and ran in all directions. The knights from Zenatharion had changed appearence and now looked like a giant black knight with a black two handed axe.

Angladon said "What are you waiting for Embuil, summon the demons" and Devlum Talnak opened the ground in a giant summon circle and a demon horde started to run out. Do I have to say that the players was long gone when the demons appeared. The group managed to close the citygates before the demons was there but they didn't doubt that the Black Reaver would brake it and started to run. After a few tests they concluded that the magic was stoped by some kind of subtle random distubance in the magic fields and that is why all their magic analyzes had failed. The whole city was in chaos and tentacles came out of holes in the ground but people didn't appear to panic but just tried to avoid them like they were a normal thing that you have to combat every day. The group started to ask around and found that all people had been living in this nightmare place for a uncertain time after beeing sended there by a group of spellusers. The spellusers names were Egyac, Arbagur, Zoth and Zaban.

The center of the city
The group encounters the man that gave the ring to Pi but he was killed by a great monster bird when he tried to help the group. His last words are to find the center of the city. In a garden in the center of the town they find a shrine guarded by a black reaver. Before they have time to do anything does Angladon and two men appeared. The two men were Dalgo Embuil and Tieron Sarnitur, high ranking Petelia priests. Angladon and his friend started to treaten the group but strangely they seem very reluctant to use their magic that seems to work fine. The enemys claimed to have rented the magic city from the owners and said that they would use it to learn all the secrets of the players and then kill them. The group saw that they have summoned the Black Reaver. Only Alexander made it away while the other are trapped by Tieron Sarnitur's mental powers. Alexander entered the shrine and found that he could contact Petelia. The godess showed him the picture of a ring with a red ruby on and a strong warning and Alexander left the shrine confused.

A very angry bull
Alexander had still not managed to work out the clue when he saw that Pi got a ring with a red ruby {actually Alexanders player picked up a chair and treatnd to hurt Pi's player very much if he didn't drop the ring}. Throw away the ring he shoated and Pi dropped the ring that exploded when it hit the ground. The Black Reaver disappeared and Angladon started to run in panic. Even while the players didn't had a clue it was obvious that Angladon and friends had a very stong idea of danger coming near. A giant thunder was heard from the sea and houses in the city started to explode. The sound moved closer and suddenly a giant bull appeared. It was running forward while the ground exploded around it. It fast closed in on Angladon and friends and when it got close it was surrounded by blue lightings that made everything shine strangly before everything went black. The group waked up in their room with a strong feeling that it wasn't just a dream...
{end of session 13}

Language barriers
The city was back to it normal self with the exception a group of disoriented people that had appeard. They clearly spoke known languages but their speach was to old ancient to be understood by normal people. The group looked at each other and then split upp for a while. The group joined again in the harbour besides Paranoia. After checking the list of everything they was to do in the city they concluded that everything was solved or in the hands of some secret friend of one the group members. After a long discussion the group decided to set sail for Hygion.

{Hygion is heavy fortified home for the knights of Zenatharion}

The group arrived to Hygion and Indariox departed to deliever his report. After he returned the group continued to the burning diamond. The legendary center for the knights of Zenatharion. The group spended some time in the central archieve but their access was to limited to give them much. A while later they were allowed entry to one of the generals. The group reported about their knowledge about Oswum Tibe's map of Hygion but the general had allready got an report and said that the weaknes in fortification mentioned on the map had been closed with magic and hard work. A messenger arrived and informed the general that they got serious problem. The group fast outside and saw two large dragons attack a fortress a few kilometers away. The group asked for siege weapons but the only present was now burning at the top of the fortress.

The Kondagi of Marol
The group left the fortress when they suddenly discovered a man with a Kondagi in his hands. The group was close to attack before they noticed that the man was followed by the a large group of knights with a group of prisoners. The group asked and learned that a group of men under the command of a man that with missing two fingers on his left hand had tried to sneak through the bordercheck. Their effort had failed and when faced with an attacking group of knights all had surrendered except the leader. He died while in the process of activating the Kondagi with some kind of chant. The group informed the man with Kondagi about the danger of the item and was ordered to wait outside while the high generals of Zenatharion gathered.

The empty seat
The group was brought inside and told the generals about their knowledge of Harmon Harx and Kondagion. The seven high generals didn't seam surprised but the lower generals was upset. One of them declared that the situation called for that a new leader of the knights to be chosen to deal with the treat. The high generals said that the new leader was allready chosen but unable to take the seat yet. This made Alexander to ask if there was any rule that could make Harmon Harx the successor even while he wasn't worthy but the generals answered that the leader is chosen by Yvlum and thus not questionable. After leaving they heard rumors that there was riots in other places of Finatchia. The group asked around and Indariox managed to find out that the only place that was calm was Arcadia. He convinced the group to investigate and they set sail and found that a magic wind aided their journey towards Arcadia.

{Arcadia is the home of Pheron and filled with rainforrests}

The medallions
The group arrived and started to ask around in Meldiz the capital of Arcadia. The rumors said that Marido-chan-ratz was hiding in the neigbourhood. A man approached the team and asked if they were interested in a mission. The team was to recover two medallions from a thief and would recieve a nice sum of money if they took it back from the thief and much more if the returned the medallions. The team was suspicious and asked for more information about the thief. The man told that a seer had identified the thief as a man Aswum Hangyl, one of the men that had lost his fingers in Ractime. The team debated widely since it was obviously the set of the medallions they team had encountered in Ardezia. There was a lot confusion until all had understood that the reason that they were asked was that the seer must have identifed the group as the owner of the rest of the medallions. The team agreed to look for the objects without promising anything.

The group of entertainers
The team asked around after a man with missing two fingers and heard that an entertainer in the group that would perform tonight fit the description. When they arrived their suspicions was proved right. The men showed a Kondagi and treatned to use it against the city if not ten million golds was assembled. The group placed a soundwall before the audience and Alexander started to talk to the people. He was quite successfull when a man hidden in magical shadows arrived. The group had seen a silent group of men earlier that was observing everything and these men fast started to retreat. The shadow left the man and he was revealed as Fyrol Angladon. The shadow had the form of a man and attacked the men on stage by touching them.

A minor mayhem
Dalgro Embuil was also present and started to summon very nasty looking demons. Maritox and Pi charged forward against Angladon while Gedeon and Indariox tried to get the Kondagi. Justarious failed his magic spell that revealed his position just before Maritox first hit Angladon with a well aimed shot from his crossbow and then cut him down with his mighty battleaxe when he got up again. Both attacks seamed to be killing but Angladon was saved by pure luck of fate and hit back with a mighty triad of flame. Pi tried to follow the attack but his attack was blocked by Embuils greatest demon. The other summoned demon had engaged a group of knights that arrieved and the group decided to try to get out before everything got really bad.

The escape
Gedeon had grabed the Kondagi and he and Indariox was chased by the shadow form when they suddenly was saved by an explosion. The silent group of men had arrieved and blown the shadow beeing up with a wide range of attacks. Close to the stage Pi managed to use magic to listen on Angaladon. Angladon orderd the man to stop executing the main plan. The fact that the planar anchor still was not recovered and that a certain magical beast that had attacked Angladon and his friend was to serious to be ignored. Involvements from these could be distasterous later. Angaldon let Embuil send away Hangyl's soul to deliever the massage and then disappeared without a trace.
{end of session 14}

An unwanted follower
The group encountered the agent for the noblemens in Ardezia and at the central court they learnt that they were acused of a number of thefts and the murder of the nobleman in Ardezia. The group started to plan their defence (the defence was mostly about giving the responible group members all the blame). The Yvlum priest holding the examination interupted the discussion by declaring that the formal first trial would be held in three days. The group would be allowed to walk around in the town but must stay under the supervision of a Endaya priest payed by the court. The Endaya priest told the team that a mighty beast was kept in his staff and would be released if he got hurt. The Endaya priest soon made the team irritated by eating forever and disrupting their tries to get information about the charges agianst the group. It was fairly clear that most of the charges was true but it seamed very unlikely that there could be evidence that could stand a examination.

A man called Troy
The team was contacted at the Inn by a stange little man called Troy that promised to free the team for ten gold. The team agreed but the Endaya priest had overheard the discussion and tried to scare Troy off. Troy didn't seam to afraid and got a very solid hit from one of the priest's summoned monsteras as the reward. Troy was covered in blood inside a large hole in the wall but people was running in panic. The group and the priest left the Inn. The way people was running away from the Inn had made the priest nervous and he asked the team for help in case of problems but the smiles on the players faces clearly told that he would be quiet alone. After finding that Troy had got up and walked out from the backside of the Inn the Endaya priest decided that they should go the Endaya temple.

Troy's friends
On the open street Troy appeared and the Endaya priest attacked with the earth elemental that had served him in the Inn but Troy had just been a illusion. Suddenly the group was surrounded by many illusions of Troy and his two friends that had arrieved to help him. It was a old man and a familiar face, Marido-chan-ratz. The Endaya priest summoned the powerful monster sealed in his staff but Marido easyly defeated the beast since his armor could prevent the beast from attacking. Troy had at the same time finished the priest and Troy now asked for his payment. The group gave the money while Marido gave Troy a disproving gaze. Marido also gave the group the needed clue to find the person plotting to put the group at trail.

At the Inn the found the man that had been creating the false evidences. The group surrounded him and started to press him for details and the man admitted that he had been trying to frame the group but refused to say anything more. He seamed very interested in the location of the members of the group that was not present. He also tried to make the group set off a trap in his room but Maritox and Justarious that checked the room spotted the trap that seamed to be rigged to send a signal when activated. The man and the team decided to walk to the courthouse but luckly the group in last second understood that the box with trap would be set of during the evidence checking and hid these items. The man didn't like the idea about the courthouse so much after this but the entered anyway.

Shadows of the past
Inside the courthouse they spotted Pi that was trying to clear something with a group of Zenatharion knights. The group noticed that the suspected man seamed worried by the presence of Pi and they asked the gnoll to touch him. The man paniced and summoned a demon before he turned into a black bird and went for the exit. The fighters and the knights of Zenatharion jumped against the demon that was temporary confused and finished it after a short fight. Justarious had also been ready and hit the black bird just outside of the courthouse with one of his spells. The spell was a holy flame that hit the bird with a terrible explosion. The bird disolved into a cloud of darkness that tried to gather together. The group prepared to attack to finish the thing but the cloud suddenly disapeared without a trace.

The green stone
The group cleared their name and got the planned trial out of the way. After this they visited Elicon, the old capital of Arcadia. The capital had been the founding place of both the Zenatharion knights and the Guild of magic and Justarious brought the part of the ruins that had belonged to them. The group also got a clue about the mysterious dream experiment performed by Zabanoc in Nubayoc for almost 9000 years ago. It had been done in the current capital of Arcadia. Back in Meldiz the group visited the spot. Nothing could be found until Gregg by chance discovered a giant green stone far down in the ground. After a number of calculations about how heavy the cubic 3 meter block was the group decided that they would have to leave it to their allies to examine the green stone.
{end of session 15}
A stranger
The group walked around city while discussing what they should do. At the the Inn they were eating when a halfelf named Aiyllon Dartis approached the group. He had been recomended by his friend Tim {the temporary member of the group during session 11}to join the group since they shared the same ultimate goals. The group was at first reluctant but the man proved to have interesting information. He had from friends heard that the trolls had attacked Kylad Marox and forced the pirate to escape towards a hideout in Kyndos. Alexander also wanted to visit Kyndos to look for the ruined temple for the elemental gaurdian of water so the team found that Kyndos was the right direction. After looking at the map the group decided that the mysterious Te'Pez should be visited on the way.

The group arrived to Te'Pez and found it to be a very empty jungle island. The group spended a day searching for anything interesting but the lack of a ranger in the group resulted in nothing found. The group placed Justarious to guard the boat while the rest of the group set camp at the center of the island. In the middle of the night the group heard strange metal sounds and the group stumbled out into the night. They found that the noice came from a large stone pile. Skelo (Gregg felt that his name was starting to get to wellknown) checked around and found that there was a hidden entrance. The group removed the rocks while they kept a good guard. Of course they for a moment saw strange red eyes in the darkness but nothing more was seen.

The wrong person
Inside they found an ancient but empty set of rooms. There was also two crushed skeletons and a very dead body (the head was missing). Inside a hidden room they found the real susprise. In a prison cell there was a very weak Fyrol Angladon. The group spoke to him and learnt that three monster had trapped him and his friends Embuil and Sarnitur here 19 years ago. A note from a man named Morbioc had tricked them to travel to Te'Pez to look for a treasure but it had been a false lead. The monsters had studied them for years until they finaly killed the two others and left him under the guard from a spelled prisonguard and some kind of monster. The reason for keeping Angladon alive was probably to prevent that Petelia learnt about his death through the holy Luthonion link. The group finaly decided to try to get out before the monster guardian that Angladon claimed could walk through walls attacked.

Bringing Angladon to safety
Outside the mysterious beast attacked and faced total dissater. It was a black unicorn that was gained extra powers from special spells and to it's defence you have to say that it did actually manage to do a good attack before the group killed it. The group brought Angladon to the boat and besides a short misunderstanding when Justarious recognized Angladon nothing happened. The group left Te'Pez and set sail for Fyldezia to hide Angladon there. In Fyldezia the team visited Angladon's old friend, the king Faroliudin Sarillion and asked him to help the group to hide the priest.

The temple of water
The group traveled to Kyndos and after finding the place where Kylad Marox's damaged ship had sunken they started following him. After a few days travel they were close to the temple of water and the group decided to visit it. Inside the ruined temple they encountered Pyrox Tridon from Inzitia. He told the group that some adventureres had visited Kondagion some weeks earlier and after finding some kind of strange device that was beeing built inside it they have been almost slaughterd by a ghost on the way out. Inzit's conclusion was that Kondagion may not be allowed to activate at any cost. The problem the forces of good now faced was what the bad guys would do if they faced defeat. The Ht'lians had earlier stopped the Kondagion with the planar anchor but the relays used to transmitt the effect was destroyed in the process and without the Ht'lians they could not be reproduced. Pyrox instructed the group to find Marox and question him and then travel to Elroch to locate the anchor since this artifact is the only one rumored to be able stop the Kondagion .
{end of session 16}

Rumors about the elemental lords
The group spoke a little with Pyrox Tridon and some of the more less educated members got a bit more knowledge about the truth about elementals. Strongest of the elementals is Fasroth, who rumors says are not permitted to leave Elroch. He got Wezar, the elemental guardian of air, as the guard over the temple of air in Kar. Wezar disappeared nearly 6000 years ago at the same time as the Ht'lians fought the trolls on Elroch. The temple is intact and there is talk about that the absence of Wezar is intentional. Second of the elemental lords is Nag. No real knowledge about where Nag hides is known. Nag must be alive and with his powers intact since his elemental guardian Marg, that has the form of a giant bear, is guarding the temple of earth in Kzardon. Third in power is Eltai of fire. He is living in Al'kryza and not completly sane. His elemental guardian is the scorpion Scarpia, that defeated Irama during their visit for twenty years ago, guards the temple of fire in Inzita. The last elemental lord is Hintai of the water. She is gone and her temple burnt down by unknown attackers. Her guardian, the shapechanger Ztown, is also missing but some evidence hints that it was Ztown that helped the group in the dreamworld.

The group followed Marox into Kyndos until they found his hideout. The group knew from villagers that it was a famous thiefs cave and they were reluctant to enter. After some thinking Alexander sugested that he could ask his godess for a dream about the layout of the cave. Maitox asked how long he needed to sleep and Alexander answered 4 hours. Maritox decided that the plan was good and knocked down Alexander so that they wouldn't have to wait for Alexander to get sleepy. The group looked in shock but Maritox didn't let anyone come near to help Alexander. The group made some tries to convince Maritox that Alexander never got the time to cast the spell but Maritox didn't really listen. Finaly the group had to start lieing to convince him. After makeing Maritox believe that Alexander had cast the wrong spell and must be kept wake for the next fourteen hours to save Maritox's life he allowed the group to wake Alexander up.

Plenty of traps
Skelo had scouted out the entrance of the cave and discovered a pushplate in the floor. After some speaking the group decided that Skelo would lead the way into the cave and avoid the traps. The group manage to avoid the traps and everything went well until Skelo told the group that he had seen something moveing in the darkness. He wanted to investigate it himself since he was the best stalker but Maritox and Gedeon suspected that he had seen some treasure and started to follow him. Actually Maritox managed to stalk quietly, at least until Gedeon stumbled and pulled him down. Skelo came running back and the group heard the sound of men preparing for battle.

The final battle with Kylad Marox
Alexander decided to try to stop the fight by using magic to speak very convincing to the enemys. He was actually very successful and only Kylad Marox and three others did attack the group. Aiyllon made one of the men think that his leg was paralyzed and that Skelo throwing dagger made a second fall down. It was only Marox that arrived and they exchanged some blows. Alexander had made sound of wardrums start outside and when Alexander with terrible luck put Marox unconscious his men started running for their life.

Never trust criminals
The group started to ask Marox about his secrets. They soon understood that Marox hadn't been that luckly during the last weeks. His fleet had been stolen by the trolls and most of his men that survived the battle had escaped with Marox's money. Maritox learnt that it was Marox that had stolen the holy braclet that provoked the trolls to attack Maxadi. Marox revealed that it was Morbioc Argalesh that recruited him. He also seemed to have no real knowledge about the Irama. In his possesion they found a map that showed the most likely hideing place for the planar anchor.

The high council
The group brought Marox with them to Elroch to deliver him to the trolls. On the way a mysterious friend to Aiyllon Dartis turned up and removed the Marox memories about where he hidd the holy braclet to prevent that the troll attacked Maxadi. Maritox also cut Marox fingers of to make the trolls connect Marox with this group. The group had some problems bringing Marox with them without revealing who he was since only Maritox could speak trollish and he had very little experience with lieing. The group was trying to come up with something when Maritox without hesitating started to lie to the trolls. Like everything else this session it went in the groups way and Maritox managed to convince the trolls that they were haveing the man hooded since the group wanted to prevent that the man was assinated by Marox's allies. The group delieverd Marox to the troll and got a passport that granted travel on Elroch for the next 60 years and release of the Maritoxs friends that was held as prisoners of war after that maritox tricked them to attack Elroch.

The tomb of the kings
The group traveled to the place marked on Marox's map and found a large stone door. The group spended a lot of time trying to get in until Aiyllon managed to open the door with a unlock spell. Inside the found a strange mixture of stautes of demons and elementals and very large stone coffins. The group couldn't make any sense out of it but finaly they found the well hidden way into the center of the tomb. Inside there seemed to be some kind of ancient hideing place. It was comply empty and the only things found was a magical gate that probably went to the plane of air and a three inscriptions close to giant black piece of rock. The inscriptions seemed to be 100 000, 10 000 and 6000 years old.

The inscriptions
This is a memorial plate over the Ht'lians who did fall during the recent war and thus were not able to return. May their sacrifice be never forgotten by the Ht'lians that survied until this last moment or the mortals that the Ht'lian served for so many years.

This is a memorial plate over the Ht'lians who died while the forces of darkness tried to reach the gates of reality. May this loss be remeber even when we the surviveing Ht'lians has faded out of existance.

This is memorial plate over Fasroth, lord of the elfs, that died for the hands of the god Mar'raz. May his spirit guide us and let us pervail over the forces of darkness awaits us at Impedion.

The mission
A group of trolls suddenly turned up that they had visited the place earlier and that the black stone was the planar anchor. The troll told that Fasroth's body rested inside the anchor and that they were planning to bring it to Kondagion to let Fasroth stop the disaster that waited there. The problem besides that a army would be needed to move the anchor was that most countrys would deny a troll fleet to pass. The group was charged with going in advance and try to gain a safe passage to the Kondagion and after that try to find out what waits at the Kondagion.
{end of session 17}

Irama knowledge
The group asked the trolls about Iramas shapechanger but the reply from the trolls was very negative. Irama normally uses brute force and the trolls found it very unlikely that Irama would send a creature that poison it's victims. They would most likely go for a creature that uses bolts or area spells. The orgin of the idea about a shapechanger from Irama would most likely be that the founder of the Irama was a shapechanger that was put in supended animation when he died. The trolls also told the group that the Irama fights in small squads with a leader in the middle. The merit of the strategy is that the squad can raise a powerull forceshield forward. The problem for the Irama and luck for the rest of the world is that if the leader is taken out there is a great risk for a large explosion.

The group visited Rydoz, Inzita and Toldadia to make sure that the trolls would not be delayed by battles. On the way they learnt that all important spellusers had been sumoned to Zyr. Even more stange was that every person they spoke to seemed to know about the treat from Irama and the Kondagion. When the group got to Kar they started to look into how everybody had learnt about Kondagion. It turned out that one of the men with missing two finger had been paying people to spread very acurate rumors about the Kondagion. The only diffrences was that it was the Guild of magic that was held as responsible and that the Irama was described as rediculusly powerful.

Civil war
The group got to Wyn, the capital of Kar and soon learnt that the city was close to chaos. The unpopular king of Kar had failed to do the wanted social reforms and faced massive rebellion and the treat of riots on the streets. The group traveled to the royal castle but found the way blocked by a great number of people. On the gates of the castle they saw Hargun Ogrok, one of the man with missing two fingers. The man declared himself as the leader of the liberation front and that the king was working together with the Guild of magic. Alexander did a good try to turn the crowd against Hargun but the truth he told seemed to unlikely for the crowd. The group found it best to leave before the crowd started chaseing them.

Skirmish battles
The group searched around and learnt that the kings men outside of the castle had been poisoned. The few loyal men to the king held the south gate against Hargun men but that they were to few to hold the whole city. After killing some men that got into the town the group understood that the castle was key to success. Back at the castle they saw that the chances of getting inside were small. Hargun had 80 bowmen to guard the gates and the rumors about the castles magical propertys was not promising. When everything looked bad the paladin Celathon suddenly appeared. She told the group that her group had managed to stop the attackers by handing out the weapons from the guards to the people that assembled behind Wyndril sal Kar that had raised her magic axe. The ancestor of Wyndril the legendary Tar Kar that founded Kar have a great respect in Kar and the fact that she as a decendant to Tar Kar could summon the magic of axe of Tar Kar had assembled the people to fight.

The Kondagi
Hargun did not seem to like how the battle was going and treatnd to activate a Kondagi. A knight with a black cape appeared and challenged Hargun to use the Kondagi if he dared. Hargun did actually dare and the group cried in panic as the Kondagi was activated. Nothing special happened but after some calculation the group concluded that it would take at least two hours before the Irama got there. The knight used a horn and from inside and outside the town similar horns answered. It turned out that it was the knights of Zenatharion that finaly had decided to step into action. Two thousand Crusaders and Paladins joined the newly joined army of Kar to defeat the attackers. The addition of heavy cavalary fast changed the powerbalance and everything except the castle was freed of enemys.

Restoreing order
The knights of Zentaharion didn't seem worried about the approaching Irama but instead spended all time calming people and ensureing that nobody was afraid. The presence of the knights had a very logical reason. The riots started by Harmon Harx had been the same ones as the ones with entrance ports to the dreamworld. The knights had been busy bringing in hidden knights to these citys be able to counter new attacks and few citys had as few knights as Wyn. Actually the knights seemed very sure about themself and they pointed out that the castle of Wyn and city's walls are the strongest on Finatchia with the possible exception of some fortresses on Hygion.

Unexpected attackers
When time finaly came the Irama didn't turn up and the surprised group got into the castle since the gates had been abonded. Inside they found all important people killed and they traced Hargun to the empiral tower. At the top of the tower they found all the men killed by a gigantic beast. It had three eyes, wings, metal scales and a giant mouth. The beast seemed to want to eat the group but reluctantly departed. Left there was a letter.

Dear friends
If you read this it means that Kondagion have been activated. This is cause of some minor panic since the Guild of magic had ancipated this and for the moment is using the knowledge left by Fun Galas to stop the Kondagion from opening. We can't keep up for long so it is imperative that you get to Kondagion and in some way stop it.
Zonar head of the Guild of Magic

{end of session 18}

Diffrent fractions
The group traveled to Kondagion and found one large ship and a large number of fishing boats. Inside the found a number of groups. Mina Laurin and two other adventurers. Three Zenatharion knights. A group of elvish rangers from Fazik, the group never took the time to ask for their names. Fighters from the libaration front of Kar and a large group of men under the command of a Yvlum priest.

The scientists
The group returned to the removed grate they had spotted one the first visit to Kondagion. They climbed inside and found a group of men that were severly wounded. The men claimed to have been sent by Encralion to the Kondagion months before the group told him about it. The had been attacked by a very powerful ghost that was unbelievably strong and impossible to hurt. The group was very close to believe them when Gedeon suddenly decided to cast some detection spells. The magic confirmed that they were lieing and the group now fast brought out the truth. The man was working for Morbioc and Harmon Harx. With power from the dagger MaMeth they had removed the grateing and been studeing the operation of the Kondagion. Strange devices had started to appear in the control center but when they examined them the the ghost had driven them away. The scientist could not reveal why they had chosen the particular labaratorium as their hideout but said that they had been directed by Morbioc.

The false Yvlum priest
The group confronted the Yvlum priest and discovered that he had magic gloves but that the magic was canceled out by the two middlefingers one his left hand. The group decided that they neaded help and got the help from the other good groups. After doing this the group advanced with the elfs as the rear guard. The false priest men was to undisciplined to stand the advance of the paladins. The false priest ran and the group followed. Inside the control center they found the missing 80 men that knew had come with the boats.

Worthless tactics
The group decide to charge and ran forward towards the center where they intend to use a Kondagi to perhaps stop the Kondagion. Just one player parryes and the group get what they derserve. At the center of the room Gedeon runs into to force field and is stopped. The false priest is also hit by the field and flung aside. The group is at this point down on the floor bleeding but the stupid fellows still think that victory is close.

Reinforcements appears
The elfes arrieved and summoned a powerful air elemental to help the group but the ghost also appeard. Since the battle begun a large tremor had been felt and suddenly a giant lizard thing appeared. The ghost attacked the air elemental with an energy blast and the elves went tumbling. The lizard beeing assulted the ghost with an energy flow. The ghost was ripped apart and left was a gaint men clothed in red armor. Everyone was suddenly healed but panic assulted the group as they recognized the armor to be of Irama design. Only Maritox and the elves managed to overcome their fear while the rest ran for their lifes.

Judgement time
The heroes made a not so brave escape but on they way out they ran into a troll with a strange wand in his hand. With a spell the troll made the fear disappear and they returned back to the control room. Inside they found the Irama leader chaseing the people left but the indestructable furniture gave the targets good protection. The Irama leader saw the troll and and furious challenged him after a promise to kill him. The troll answered that he would like to teach him a lesson but that it wasn't Zoz'lag's duty to do it. Out from the blue air an elf stepped and from his hand come a giant wind that caught the Irama leader against the wall. The Irama leader tried to hit back but he was burnt into ashes by the light beam that followed the wind. There was actually a few marks on the wall left. Thus the treat of Kondagion was ended and the false priest that really was Harmon Harx freed from evil influence

{end of session 19}

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