The chicken or egg discussion

Most people has heard the classical problem about which one existed before the other and this text will offer my view on this. The most basic question to answer before the discussion can start is if one of them actually must have been first but I will leave this question and assume that one of them must have been first. I am aware of the real question in the problem (the creation of life) and this is not a discussion about this but a simplifyed examination of what the real alternatives are for the egg and chicken.
(This is a philosophic question and the discussion remains the same if we exchange the chicken for any other animal that got eggs)

There are actually four diffrent alternatives

1 The chicken was first and was transformed from something else
We got something that wasn't a chicken and later was transformed into a chicken by a force outside everything we have seen. Science hasn't ever seen this kind of transformation but it can never say anything about real miracles since those are not possible to reproduce. A miracle is a possible explanasion but doesn't really say anything interesting since by defination anything can be done with a miracle.

2 The chicken was first and was born as a chicken
We got a chicken that didn't come from a egg. Basicly the same case as 1 with the only difference that the chicken was created from nothing. With a miracle it could still be possible since a miracle allows creations from nothing.

3 The egg was first and was transformed from something else
Science have never seen any tranformation like this and we we got the same simple answer as in 1 that requires an miracle to work.

4 The egg was first and was created in this way
We got a chicken egg that didn't come from a chicken. The intersting thing is that there is no real nead for the miracle in this case. It is possible that something that are reasonably close to a chicken by a mutation in the creation process of the egg creats a chicken egg. The reason that it feels impossible is that we assume that the orgianl animal must have been very diffrent from the resulting chicken to let this be valid. This is of course nonsense since evolution is these kinds of changes and if we don't allow evolultion to gradually create effects like this we have prevented evoltuion to explain any biological devlopment.

Of the four alternatives all but one requires a miracle to work. All but one are without suppport from science but the fourth are very well documented. And they call this a paradox?

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