Nonlinear Phenomena in Stockholm:
Kinetic Meets Dispersive

November 19 - 21, 2018
KTH Royal Institute of Technology



Maria Gualdani (KTH, Sweden and George Washington Univ., USA)
Douglas Lundholm (KTH, Sweden)
Svetlana Roudenko (Florida International Univ., USA)
Bernt Wennberg (Chalmers, Sweden)


Håkan Andreasson (Gothenburg, Sweden)
Alexander Bobylev (Keldysh Inst., Russia)
Michele Correggi (Sapienza, Rome, Italy)
Magdalena Czubak (Univ. Colorado-Boulder, USA)
Esther Daus (Technical Univ. Vienna, Austria)
Emanuela Giacomelli (Tübingen, Germany)
Annie Millet (Universite Paris-1, France)
Jonatan Lenells (KTH, Sweden)
Hans Lundmark (Linköping, Sweden)


Dana Mendelson (Univ. Chicago, USA)
Alessia Nota (Univ. Bonn, Germany)
Ronald Quirchmayr (KTH, Sweden)
Natasa Pavlovic (University Texas-Austin, USA)
Chiara Saffirio (Univ. Zurich, Switzerland)
Stanley Snelson (Florida Inst. Technology, USA)
Maja Taskovic (Univ. Pennsylvania, USA)
Kai Yang (Florida Int. Univ, USA)

Presentations by graduate students:


Luccas Campos (Florida Int. Univ., USA)
Andy Kumar (Florida Int. Univ., USA)
Julian Mauersberger (KTH, Sweden)
Budor Shuaib (Linköping, Sweden)


Book of abstracts

Seminar Room: F11

Lindstedtsvägen 22, KTH Campus
(Same entrance as "Alfvénsalen")

Some restaurants near KTH


This conference will focus on common issues associated with the mathematical description of interactions between many constituent particles. Very often, even when the interactions between the particles are well defined, the governing mathematical equations are not well understood and as a consequence the collective behavior of the system remains unknown. Examples of collective behavior are abundant in nature. They manifest themselves at all scales, ranging from atoms to galaxies.

Partial differential equations have historically played a major role in the modeling, analysis and computation of many particle systems. For example, wave and dispersive equations have been proposed as models for many basic wave phenomena, ranging from Bose-Einstein condensation to formation of freak waves in an ocean. Kinetic equations are used as mathematical description of dynamics of a dilute gas or plasma, and are at the core of applied analysis, probability and statistical physics.

The aim of this meeting is to bring together a core group of mathematicians from the general communities of nonlinear dispersive and kinetic equations whose research contains an underlying and unifying problem: the study of the dynamical evolution of large physical systems and analysis of the solutions of certain deterministic differential equations. Work on this topic has rapidly advanced in the recent area, also thanks to the very recent combined effort of different mathematical communities and to a growing number of interdisciplinary collaborations.