European Research Network System Identification


Welcome to the web page of European Research Network System Identification (ERNSI)!

 Modelling of dynamical systems is fundamental in almost all disciplines of science and engineering, ranging from life science to plant-wide process control. Engineering uses models for the design and analysis of complex technical systems. System identification concerns the construction, estimation and validation of mathematical models of dynamical physical or engineering phenomena from experimental data.

European Research Network System Identification (ERNSI) was launched in 1992 by the European Commission as a SCIENCE project. The network is since 2007 coordinated by

Bo Wahlberg
Decision and Control Systems
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
SE 100 44 Stockholm, SWEDEN

The main event is the annual ERNSI workshop.

The 2024 ERNSI Workshop will be take place in Venice, Italy on September 29- October 2, 2024.

It will follow the traditional format starting with a joint reception on Sunday September 29 and ending after lunch on Wednesday October 2. Alessandro Chiuso is the general chair of the organizing committee.  John Lataire is the program chair, Simone Formentin and Mattia Zorzi are local co-chairs. The workshop will take place at the Centro Culturale Don Orione Artigianelli, Venice, Italy. For further information see


Summary of the 2023 ERNSI Workshop

The thirty-first ERNSI Workshop in System Identification was held on September 24-27, 2023 at Ersta Diakoni in Stockholm Sweden. Hĺkan Hjalmarsson was the general chair of the organization committee.  Marion Gilson was the program chair, Martin Enqvist and Cristian Rojas were local co-chairs.The workshop had 94 participants. The program includes the three invited plenary talks

·       Florian Dörfler, ETH, Switzerland: Data-driven control based on behavioral systems theory

·       Alexandre Proutiere, KTH, Sweden: Finite-time analysis of linear system identification: sample complexity lower bounds and optimal algorithms

·       Vikram Krishnamurthy, Cornell University, USA: Social sensing and inverse reinforcement learning

and 8 regular oral presentations and one survey in a single track from members of the ERNSI research teams. PhD students and researchers also had the opportunity to present their work in two poster sessions. Altogether, there were 44 poster presentations with oral highlights presentations.

Further information including the detailed program can be found at



Summary of the 2022 ERNSI Workshop

The thirties ERNSI Workshop in System Identification was held September 19 – 21, 2022 in Leuven, Belgium. The local organizers were Bart de Moor, Katrien De Cock and Philippe Dreesen. The co-chair for the program was Martin Enqvist. The workshop had 111 participants. The program includes three invited plenary talks by

·       Maria Prandini, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

·       Lieven De Lathauwer, KU Leuven, Belgium

·       Elizabeth Cross, University of Sheffield, U.K.

and 10 regular oral presentations in a single track from members of the ERNSI research teams. PhD students and researchers also had the opportunity to present their work in two poster sessions. Altogether, there were 56 poster presentations.

Further information including the detailed program can be found at

Summary of the 2021 ERNSI Workshop

(The 2020 ERNSI WS was postponed to 2021 due to the pandemic)

The twenty-ninth ERNSI Workshop in System Identification was organized as a Hybrid (face2face and virtual participation) and Connected (connected co-locations) on September 20-21, 2021. Qinghua Zhang was the chair of the organization committee and Marion Gilson was the local co-chair. Thomas Schön was the program chair and Guillaume Mercčre was the program co-chair.

The workshop had in total 116 participants. The program includes two invited plenary talks by

·       Arno Solin Aalto University, Finland: Fast and furious methods for real-time inference in SLAM.

·       Pierre Del Moral, INRIA Bordeaux, France: On the stability and the uniform propagation of chaos properties of ensemble Kalman-Bucy filters,

and 12 regular oral presentations in a single track from members of the ERNSI research teams. PhD students and researchers also had the opportunity to present their work in three poster sessions. Altogether there were 42 poster presentations.

Further information including the detailed program can be found at 

Summary of 2019 ERNSI Workshop at Kasteel Vaeshartelt, Maastricht, the Netherlands

The twenty-eight ERNSI Workshop in System Identification was held September 22 – 25, 2019 in Maastricht, The Netherlands. The local organizers were Paul Van den Hof and Roland Tóth. The co-chair for the program was Hĺkan Hjalmarsson. The workshop had 86 participants. The program includes three invited plenary talks by

·       Qi (Rose) Yu, Northeastern University, Boston, USA

·       Donatello Materassi, University of Minnesota, USA

·       Michael Eichler, University of Maastricht, The Netherlands

and 12 regular oral presentations in a single track from members of the ERNSI research teams. PhD students and more senior researchers also had the opportunity to present their work in two poster sessions. Altogether there were 42 poster presentations.

Further information including the detailed program can be found at

Summary of 2018 ERNSI Workshop at Pembroke College, Cambridge, U.K

The twenty-seventh ERNSI Workshop in System Identification was held September 23 – 26, 2018 at Pembroke College, Cambridge, U.K. The local organizers were Carl Rasmussen, Jan Maciejowski and Rodolphe Sepulchre. The co-chair for the program was Martin Enqvist. The workshop had 95 participants. The program includes two invited plenary talks by

·       Roderich Gross, Natural Robotics Lab, Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, University of Sheffield

·       Ioannis Kontoyiannis, Signal Processing and Communications Group, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge

and 17 regular oral presentations in a single track from members of the ERNSI research teams. PhD students and more senior researchers also had the opportunity to present their work in two poster sessions. Altogether there were 45 poster presentations. Further information including the detailed program can be found at

Summary of 2017 ERNSI Workshop at Domaine St Joseph in Sainte-Foy-lčs-Lyon, France

The twenty-sixth ERNSI Workshop in System Identification was held on September 24 – 27, 2017 at Domaine St Joseph in Sainte-Foy-lčs-Lyon, France. The local organizers were Xavier Bombois, Guillaume Mercčre and Laurent Bako. The co-chair for the program was Paul Van den Hof. The workshop had 99 participants. The program consisted of two invited plenary talks by

·       Francis Bach, INRIA Research Director, Head of the Machine Learning Laboratory SIERRA, France

·       Luigi Vanfretti, Associate Professor at the Electrical, Computer & Systems Department of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), Troy, USA

one discussion lecture and nine regular oral presentations in a single track from members of the ERNSI research teams. PhD students and more senior researchers also had the opportunity to present their work in three poster sessions. Altogether there were 58 poster presentations. Further information including the detailed program can be found at

Summary of 2016 ERNSI Workshop in Cison di Valmarino, Italy

The twenty-fifth ERNSI Workshop in System Identification was held on September 25 – 28, 2016 at Castelbrando in Cison di Valmarino, ItalyThe local organizer was Alessandro Chiuso. Co-chairs for the program were Rik Pintelon and Marco Campi. The workshop had 95 participants. The program consisted of two invited plenary talks

·       Prof. Domenico Giannone, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, USA  

·       Prof. Jan Peters, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany

two tutorials and 12 regular oral presentations in a single track from members of the ERNSI research teams. PhD students and more senior researchers also had the opportunity to present their work in poster sessions. Altogether there were 57 poster presentations. Further information including the detailed program can be found at

Summary of 2015 ERNSI WS in Varberg, Sweden

The twenty-fourth ERNSI Workshop in System Identification was held on September 20 – 23, 2015 at Varbergs stadshotell in Varberg, Sweden. The local organizer was Martin Enqvist. Co-chairs for the program were Marion Gilson and Tomas McKelvey. The workshop had 86 participants. The program consisted of one invited plenary talk from

·       Dr. Ola Härkegĺrd, Saab Aeronautics, Sweden,

two tutorials, and 9 regular oral presentations in a single track from members of the ERNSI research teams. PhD students and more senior researchers also had the opportunity to present their work in poster sessions. Altogether there were 55 poster presentations. Further information including the detailed program can be found at

Summary of 2014 ERNSI WS in Ostend, Belgium

The twenty-third ERNSI Workshop in System Identification was held September 21 – 24, 2014 at the Thermal Palace Hotel, Ostend, Belgium. The local organizer was Rik Pintelon. Co-chairs for the program were Xavier Bombois and Carl Rasmussen. The workshop had 111 participants. The program consisted of one invited plenary talk from

·       Prof. Alf Isaksson, ABB Corporate Research, Sweden

and 9 oral presentations in a single track from members of the ERNSI research teams. PhD students and post-docs had the opportunity to present their work in poster sessions. Altogether there were 73 poster presentations. Further information including the detailed program can be found at

Summary of 2013 ERNSI WS in Pont-ŕ-Mousson , France

The twenty-second ERNSI Workshop in System Identification was held September 22 – 25, 2013 at  Abbaye des Prémontrés, Pont-ŕ-Mousson, France. The local organizer was Hugues Garnier. Co-chairs for the program were Roland Tóth and Martin Enquist. The workshop had 99 participants. The program consisted of one invited plenary talk from

·       Prof. Robert Bitmead, University of California in San Diego, USA

and 18 oral presentations in a single track from members and guests of the ERNSI research teams. PhD students and post-docs had the opportunity to present their work in poster sessions. Altogether there were 48 poster presentations. Further information including the detailed program can be found at

Summary of 2012 ERNSI WS in Maastricht, the Netherlands

The twenty-first ERNSI Workshop in System Identification was held September 23 – 25, 2012 at Kasteel Vaeshartelt in Maastricht, the Netherlands. The local organizers were Paul Van den Hof, Roland Toth, Xavier Bombois and Ralf Peeters. Co-chairs for the program were Hĺkan Hjalmarsson and Alessandro Chiuso. The workshop had 92 participants.  The program consisted of one invited plenary talk from

·       Prof. Michal I. Jordan from UC at Berkeley:  Bayesian non-parametrics and combinatorial stochastic processes,

and 13 oral presentations in a single track from members and guests of the ERNSI research teams. PhD students and post-docs had the opportunity to present their work in poster sessions.

Altogether there were 40 poster presentations. Further information including the detailed program and slides can be found at

Summary of 2011 ERNSI WS at La Maison du Séminaire in Nice, France

The twentieth ERNSI Workshop in System Identification was held September 26 – 28, 2011 at La Maison du Séminaire in Nice, France. The organizers were Martine Olivi, Laurent Baratchart and Qinghua Zhang. The workshop had 81 participants. The program consisted of 4 tutorial lectures:

·       Prof. Michčle Basseville: Towards the handling of uncertainties in statistical fault detection and isolation

·       Prof. Lennart Ljung: Potentials and possibilities of regularization in system identification

·       Prof. Manfred Deistler: Generalized factor models

·       Prof. Laurent Baratchart: Orthogonal rational functions and prediction theory for certain non-stationary stochastic processes,

16 oral presentations in a single track and 30 poster presentations. Further information can be found at

Summary of 2010 ERNSI WS at Pembroke College, Cambridge, U.K.

The nineteenth ERNSI Workshop in System Identification was held September 27 – September 29, 2010 at Pembroke College, Cambridge, U.K. The local organizer was Jan Maciejowski. Bo Wahlberg and Paul Van den Hof were co-chairs. The workshop had 65 participants. The program consisted of 5 tutorial lectures:

·       Prof. Zoubin Ghahramani, Cambridge University: Probabilistic Machine Learning View.

·       Prof. Alessandro Chiuso, University of Padova: Bayesian Techniques in Identification

·       Prof. Carl Rasmussen, Cambridge University: Probabilistic Learning and Identification

·       Prof. Johan Schoukens, Vrije Universiteit Brussel:  Nonparametric Preprocessing in System Identification

·       Prof. Paul Van den Hof, Delft University of Technology: Physical Model Structures, Applied to Reservoir Engineering

13 oral presentations and 28 poster presentations. Further information can be found at

Summary of 2009 ERNSI WS at Stift Vorau, Austria

The eighteenth ERNSI Workshop in System Identification was held September 30 - October 2, 2009 at the Stift Vorau in Austria. The workshop had 41 participants. The program consisted of 3 invited lectures:

·       Prof. Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz: Stochastic Model Specication Search for Gaussian and Non-Gaussian State Space Models

·       Prof. Hĺkan Hjalmarsson, KTH: System identification of complex systems

·       Prof. Benno Pötscher, Universität Wien: Model Selection, Penalized Maximum Likelihood and Inference

8 oral presentations and 15 poster presentations. The organizers were Manfred Deistler and Wolfgang Scherrer. Further information can be found at


 Summary of 2008 ERNSI WS in Sigtuna, Sweden

The seventeenth ERNSI Workshop in System Identification was held October 1-3 2008 in Sigtuna at the Sigtuna Foundation. The workshop is sponsored by the VR Linnaeus Research Center ACCESS (Autonomic Complex Communication nEtworks Signals and Systems) at KTH,, the Center for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, CIAM at KTH and Uppsala University. The 2008 workshop had 63 participants. The program is a single track, with longer presentations including three invited guest presentations

There was also a poster session. The program is available at

A special session on a roadmap for System Identification was held. The presentation is available at ERNSI White Paper Project.pdf

Summary of 2007 ERNSI WS in San Servolo,  Italy.

The sixteenth ERNSI Workshop in System Identification was held in the island of San Servolo in the Venetian lagoon, October 1-3, 2007. European Research Network System Identification (ERNSI) was launched in 1992 by the European Commission as a SCIENCE project.  The 2007 workshop had 65 participants. The program is a single track, with longer presentations including three invited guest presentations,

There was also a poster session. The program is available at

The conclusion of the workshop is that data-driven modeling of dynamical systems is a very exciting and vital field of research with strong connections to a lot of other areas, including signal processing and machine learning. The advances in control of complex systems, e.g. using model predictive control and networked control, and a multitude of important industrial applications are all based on the availability of reliable models. System identification is about combining physical and engineering modeling with experimental information, and is thus of fundamental importance in taking advantage of the progress in the whole field of information and control systems.


Contents of this page


ERNSI Research Teams







Martin Enqvist


Marion Gilson

The Netherlands

Roland Toth


John Lataire


Alessandro Chiuso


Objectives of ERNSI

The objectives of ERNSI are:

1. To carry out joint research on selected topics of system identification as specified below under research objectives

2. To advance modelling and identification procedures and theory to selected cases of the application areas.

3. To jointly train early-stage researchers and post-docs in modelling and identification. Special attention will be paid to new structures in higher education in Europe influenced by the Bologna process.

4. To increase trans-national cooperation between research teams. The cooperation between ERNSI research teams has turned out to be extremely valuable for research and for applications. We will now open up for new partners in order to overcome fragmentation.

5. To collaborate with industrial and commercial organisations, as well as governmental laboratories on system identification problems, to exchange experiences between the teams on these problems, and, when appropriate, for teams to jointly carry out applied research with such entities. Much of this will be done within existing national and EU projects.

6. To address important issues such as career development, experience of industrial projects, researcher mobility and gender balance.


Overview of Previous Projects

ERNSI Workshops System Identification

The aims of the workshops are:


Past ERNSI Workshops System Identification


·       First ERNSI WS SI, 1992 September, St. Malo, France


·       Second ERNSI WS SI, 1993 September 29 - October 1, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium


·       Third ERNSI WS SI, 1994 September 21-23, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands


·       Fourth ERNSI WS SI, 1995 June 7-9, Padova, Italy


·       Fifth ERNSI WS SI, 1996 September 23-25, Cambridge, United Kingdom


·       Sixth ERNSI WS SI, 1997 September 8-10, Stockholm, Sweden


·       Seventh ERNSI WS SI, 1998 September 28-30, Vienna, Austria


·       Eighth ERNSI WS SI, 1999 September 27-29, Theoule, France


·       Ninth ERNSI WS SI, 2000 September 27-29, Vadstena, Sweden


·       Tenth ERNSI WS SI, 2001 September 17-19, Cambridge, United Kingdom


·       Eleventh ERNSI WS SI, 2002 September 23-25, Le Croisic, France


·       Twelfth ERNSI WS SI, 2003 October 6-8, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands. Workshop Chairmen: Jan van Schuppen (organizer) , Giorgio Picci and Lennart Ljung


·       Thirteenth ERNSI WS SI, 2004 October 4-6,  Dobogókő, Hungary. Workshop Chairmen:  László Gerencsér  (organizer), Anders Lindquist and Paul Van den Hof


·       Fourteenth ERNSI WS SI, 2005 September Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.  Workshop Chairmen: Michel Gevers (organizer), Laurent Baratchart and Jan Maciejowski.


·       Fifteen ERNSI WS SI, 2006 September, Linköping, Sweden. Workshop Chairmen: Lennart Ljung (organizer), Manfred Deistler and Zhang Qinghua. Link to web page.


·       Sixteenth ERNSI WS SI, 2007 October, San Servolo,  Italy. Chairmen Giorgio Picci (organizer), Anders Lindquist and Laszlo Gerencser. Link to web page


·       Seventeenth ERNSI WS SI, 2008, October, Sigtuna, Sweden. Chairmen Bo Wahlberg (organizer), Hĺkan Hjalmarsson, Anders Lindquist and Torsten Söderström. Link to web page

·       Eighteenth ERNSI WS SI, 2009 September, Stift Vorau, Austria. Wolfgang Scherrer and Manfred Deistler (organizers). Link to web page.

·       Nineteenth ERNSI WS SI, 2010 September, Cambridge, U.K. The local organizer was Jan Maciejowski (organizer), Bo Wahlberg, Paul Van den Hof. Link to web page

·       Twentieth ERNSI WS, 2011 September, Nice, France. The organizers were Martine Olivi, Laurent Baratchart and Qinghua Zhang. Link to web page


·       Twenty-first ERNSI WS, 2012 September, Maastricht, The Netherlands. The local organizers were Paul Van den Hof, Roland Toth, Xavier Bombois and Ralf Peeters. Co-chairs for the program were Hĺkan Hjalmarsson and Alessandro Chiuso. Link to web page


·       Twenty-second ERNSI WS, 2013 September, Pont-ŕ-Mousson, France. The local organizer was Hugues Garnier. Co-chairs for the program were Roland Tóth and Martin Enquist. Link to web page


·       Twenty-third ERNSI WS, 2014 September, Ostend, Belgium. The local organizer was Rik Pintelon. Co-chairs for the program were Xavier Bombois and Carl Rasmussen. Link to web page


·       Twenty-fourth ERNSI WS 2015 September, Varberg, Sweden. The local organizer was Martin Enqvist. Co-chairs for the program were Marion Gilson and Tomas McKelvey. Link to web page


·       The twenty-fifth ERNSI WS 2016 September, Cison di Valmarino, Italy. The local organizer was Alessandro Chiuso. Co-chairs for the program were Rik Pintelon and Marco Campi. Link to web page


·       The twenty-sixth ERNSI WS 2017 September, Sainte-Foy-lčs-Lyon, France. The local organizers were Xavier Bombois, Guillaume Mercčre and Laurent Bako. The co-chair for the program was Paul Van den Hof. Link to web page


·       The twenty-seventh ERNSI WS 2018, September, Cambridge, U.K. The local organizers were Carl Rasmussen, Jan Maciejowski and Rodolphe Sepulchre. The co-chair for the program was Martin Enqvist. Link to web page


·       The twenty-eight ERNSI Workshop in System Identification was held September 22 – 25, 2019 in Maastricht, The Netherlands. The local organizers were Paul Van den Hof and Roland Tóth. The co-chair for the program was Hĺkan Hjalmarsson. Link to web page


·       The twenty-ninth ERNSI Workshop in System Identification was organized as a Hybrid (face2face and virtual participation) and Connected (connected co-locations) on September 20-21, 2021. Qinghua Zhang (Inria) was the chair of the organization committee and Marion Gilson (Université de Lorraine) was the local co-chair. Thomas Schön (Uppsala University, Sweden) was the program chair and Guillaume Mercčre (Université de Poitiers, France) was the program co-chair. Link to web page


·       The thirties ERNSI Workshop in System Identification was held September 19 – 21, 2022 in Leuven, Belgium. The local organizers were Bart de Moor, Katrien De Cock and Philippe Dreesen. The co-chair for the program was Martin Enqvist. Link to web page

Last update April 8, 2024.
Page maintained by Bo Wahlberg