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Week 2: 03-27 to 03-31



Progress report 2




1.  Recall of the objectives:


*     Do the simulations to find the parameters of the Pendubot


*     Swing-up control


*     Implementation of the Swing-up control

*     Simulink validation


*     Up-up and down-up control


*     Finish the implementation with Labview

*     Try to simulate


*     Update the website



2. Achieved work:



*     The web site is updated


*     Do the simulations to find the parameters of the Pendubot

*     Measurement of the weights, lengths for each part

*     Computation of the model parameter


*     Swing-up control


*     Determination of the strategy

*     Implementation on Matlab

*     Design of the parameters( Kp, Kt …)

*     Simulink validation


*     Up-up and down-up control


*     The Labview  implementation is   finished

*     We did some simulations but we have some problems

→ Up-up simulation: we have some oscillations but except of this the controller seems to be robust.

→ Down-up simulation: the controller is not robust at all. We can observe a drift.



3. Problems:


*     Our controllers have apparently not the same behaviour in Simulink and in reality. We don’t manage to find the reason for this difference.


*     We hadn’t the good parameters for the motor but we sent an email to the factory and obtain the good data sheet.



4. Objectives of next week:


*     Manage to simulate in reality the up-up and up-down simulation.


*     Begin the Final report


*     Prepare the Midterm presentation.





5.  Global progress of the project (Schedule’s update)







The project is going very well. We had our first problems this week but we are still very motivated.