Alexandre Proutiere
Automatic Control Department
Osquldasv. 10
Stockholm 100-44, Sweden
Phone: +46(0)87906351
Research interests: machine learning, probability, and optimization applied to communication networks, and multi-agent systems.
Short bio: Researcher at Microsoft Research (Cambridge) from 2007 to 2011, Research Engineer at France Telecom R&D from 2000 to 2006, Invited lecturer and researcher at the computer science department ENS Paris from 2004 to 2006. Education: PhD in Applied Mathematics from Ecole Polytechnique, Graduated in Mathematiques from Ecole Normale Superieure, Engineering degree from Telecom Paris, Engineer from Corps des Mines. Awards: ACM Sigmetrics rising star award in 2009, ACM best papers awards at Sigmetrics 2004 and 2010, and Mobihoc 2009.
Machine learning reading group: Schedule and Material
Current research projects
Bandit Optimization
Clustering and Detection
Memory-efficient and low complexity algorithms in ML
Dynamic Spectrum Access
Webpage of Fluid Spectrum Access ERC consolidator grant

WASP Wallenberg Initiative
ERC consolidator grant: Fluid Spectrum Access
VR individual grant: Opportunistic Spectrum Access
SSF ICT platform for sustainable infrastructures (Distributed Optimization of Large scale
VR Rambidrag ICT (Networks: Dynamics, Optimisation,
and Control)
Strategic Research Grant (SRA), VR-KTH
Recent papers and preprints
- Optimal Recovery Rate in the Labeled Stochastic Block Model
S. Yun, A. Proutiere, NIPS 2016. - Combinatorial Bandits Revisited
R. Combes, S. Talebi, A. Proutiere, and M. Lelarge, NIPS 2015. - Fast and Memory-Optimal Low Rank Approximation
S. Yun, M. Lelarge, and A. Proutiere, NIPS 2015. - Learning to Rank: Regret Lower Bounds and
Efficient Algorithms [acm]
R. Combes, S. Magureanu, and A. Proutiere, ACM Sigmetrics 2015. - Greedy-Bayes for Targeted News Dissemination [acm]
L. Massoulie, M. Ohannessian, and A. Proutiere, ACM Sigmetrics 2015. - Distributed Proportionally Fair Allocation in
Heterogeneous Systems [acm]
S. Yun,A. Proutiere, ACM Sigmetrics 2015. - Accurate Community Detection in the Stochastic Block Model via Spectral Algorithms [arxiv]
S. Yun, A. Proutiere, 2014. - Feedback policies for measurement-based quantum
state manipulation [arxiv]
S. Fu, G. Shi, A.Proutiere, and M. R. James. Physical Review A, 90, Dec. 2014. - Streaming, Memory-limited Algorithms for
Community Detection [arxiv]
S. Yun, M. Lelarge, A.Proutiere. NIPS 2014. - Unimodal Bandits without Smoothness [arxiv]
R. Combes, A.Proutiere. Submitted 2014. - Community Detection via Random and Adaptive
S. Yun, A.Proutiere. COLT 2014. - Lipschitz Bandits: Regret Lower Bound and Optimal Algorithms [arxiv]
S. Magureanu, R. Combes, A.Proutiere. COLT 2014. - Unimodal Bandits: Regret Lower Bound and Optimal Algorithms [ICML]
R. Combes, A.Proutiere. ICML 2014. - Two-Target Algorithms for Infinite-Armed Bandits
with Bernoulli Rewards [NIPS]
T. Bonald, A.Proutiere. NIPS 2013. - Optimal Rate Sampling in 802.11 Systems [arxiv][Infocom]
R. Combes, A. Proutiere, D. Yun, J. Ok, Y. Yi. IEEE Infocom 2014. - Dynamic Rate ad Channel Selection in Cognitive
Radio Systems [tech-rep.]
R. Combes, A. Proutiere. IEEE JSAC on Cognitive Radios (to appear 2014). - Spectrum Bandit Optimization [arxiv][ITW2013]
M. Lelarge, A. Proutiere, S. Talebi. - Optimal Distributed Scheduling in Wireless Networks under the SINR interference model
P. Chaporkar, A. Proutiere. Allerton conference 2013. - The Evolution of Beliefs over Signed Social Networks [arxiv]
G. Shi, A. Proutiere, M. Johansson, J. Baras, K. Johansson. - Continuous-time Distributed Optimization of
Homogenous Dynamics
G. Shi, A. Proutiere, K. Johansson. Allerton conference 2013. - Emergent Behaviors over Signed Random Networks in
Dynamical Environments [arxiv]
G. Shi, A. Proutiere, M. Johansson, J. Baras, K. Johansson. Submitted. - Impact of Storage on the Efficiency and Prices in
Real-Time Electricity Markets [e-energy]
N. Gast, J.-Y. LeBoudec, A. Proutiere, D.-C. Tomozei. ACM E-energy 2013. - Randomized Consensus with Attractive and Repulsive
G. Shi, A. Proutiere, M. Johansson, K. Johansson. Accepted -- CDC 2013.