Philipp Schillinger

PhD Student on Behavior Synthesis in Multi-Robot Systems

Contact Me

Hey there!

I am an industrial PhD student employed by the Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence located near Stuttgart, Germany, and working together with my supervisor Prof. Dimos Dimarogonas at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. My vision is to make autonomous systems more intelligent and cooperative such that humans can interact with them more easily and utilize their full potential. The research I am doing for my PhD works towards this goal by automating behavior planning, task allocation, and mission execution. Please see my projects page for some examples.

Before starting my PhD, I did my MSc at TU Darmstadt where I graduated with honors and faster than the regular study time. Nonetheless, it has been an important experience for me to spend a significant portion of my time to join the Robotics Lab in participating at various robot competitions, such as the DARPA Robotics Challenge, RoboCup, and the ARGOS Challenge. My master thesis, which I was able to conduct to a large portion at Cornell University, had the goal to develop a shared autonomy behavior executive tailored to scenarios of the DARPA Robotics Challenge. The thesis resulted in the open source ROS behavior engine FlexBE, as well as a Best Paper Finalist nomination at ICRA 2016.

Latest Activity

Open Positions

I currently offer a topic for Master Thesis supervision. Visit the link below to learn more about the details and contact me if you are interested in conducting your thesis at Bosch.

Thesis: Multi-Robot Coordination for Dependent Tasks

Paper accepted at RSS 2018

Our submitted paper Improving Multi-Robot Behavior Using Learning-Based Receding Horizon Task Allocation has been accepted for publication at RSS 2018 at Pittsburgh. It extends our recent ICRA paper by applying a temporal difference learning method on a high-level automaton in order to improve the effiency of chosen multi-agent strategies.

Case study video

ICAPS Summer School

I will attend the ICAPS Summer School on planning and scheduling in Noordwijk, The Netherlands. This year's focus is planning under uncertainty, so I am looking forward to interesting discussions about synthesis of robust multi-robot behavior from safety specifications.

School Homepage

Paper accepted at ICRA 2018

Our submitted paper Auctioning over Probabilistic Options for Temporal Logic-Based Multi-Robot Cooperation under Uncertainty has been accepted for publication at ICRA 2018 in Brisbane. It presents an efficient way for task allocation under uncertainty while allowing the robots to prepare future parts of a mission up to an extend which guarantees that temporal constraints are fulfilled.

Spotlight video

Paper accepted for IJRR

Our submitted paper Simultaneous Task Allocation and Planning for Temporal Logic Goals in Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Systems has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Robotics Research. It presents an efficient way to plan complex behaviors for multi-robot systems by automatically identifying independently executable sub-tasks and constrcting an efficient team model.

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Licentiate Thesis Published

I published my Licentiate thesis about decomposition of LTL for simultaneous task allocation and planning in multi-robot systems. The Swedish Licentiate is a degree half-way between a Master and a PhD. The public defense takes place on October 27 at KTH Stockholm.

See thesis

Workshop Presentation at RSS 2017

I will present our idea of Simultaneous Task Allocation and Planning (STAP) at the workshop "The What without the How: Specifying Planning Problems in Robotics" held at RSS 2017.

Workshop Page

Paper accepted at ICRA 2017

Our submitted paper Multi-Objective Search for Optimal Multi-Robot Planning with Finite LTL Specifications and Resource Constraints has been accepted for publication at ICRA 2017 in Singapore.

See program

Co4Robots Kick-Off

Our H2020 EU project Co4Robots officially started with our kick-off meeting in Stockholm. Partners include KTH Stockholm, Bosch, FORTH, University of Gothenburg, NTU Athens, and PAL Robotics.

Project website

Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence

Bosch announced to join efforts on the topic of artifiicial intelligence. During the next five years, 300 million Euros will be invested in the newly funded BCAI located at Renningen (Germany), Palo Alto (USA), and Bengaluru (India). I'm excited to be part of this great adventure!

BCAI website

PhD School on AI and Robotics

I will be attending the 3rd Lucia Winter School "Artificial Intelligence and Robotics" at Örebro, Sweden.

School Homepage

Paper accepted at DARS 2016

Our submitted paper Decomposition of Finite LTL Specifications for Efficient Multi-Agent Planning has been accepted for oral presentation at DARS 2016 in London, UK.

See program