In the name of God; The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. "Recite in the name of your Lord who created. Created man out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood. Recite, and your Lord is the most Generous. Who taught by the pen. Taught man that which he knew not. No! (But) indeed, man transgresses. Because he sees himself self-sufficient. Indeed, to your Lord is the return (of all)." The Glorious Qur'an (96:1-8) |
I am a Post Doc research fellow in Communication Theory lab at KTH (Royal Institute of Technology), Sweden; I am currently working with Prof. James Gross. Previously, I worked as research intern at Nokia research center, Berkeley, CA between May 2013 to September 2013. I joined Department of Electrical and Computer engineering, University of Iowa, USA in Fall 2009 and earned my PhD degree in May 2013. During my PhD, I worked under the supervsion of Prof. Raghu Mudumbai and Prof. Soura Dasgupta. My homeland is Pakistan; I received my B.Sc in Electrical engineering from University of Engineering & Technology Lahore, Pakistan in 2007. I then worked as a Lab Engineer/Lecturer at Faisalabad Campus of University of Engineering & Technology Lahore, Pakistan between 2007-2009.
distributed MIMO, RF carrier synchronization, consensus based algorithms, PHY layer security, software-defined radios for rapid prototyping of novel wireless concepts, machine-to-machine communications (M2M)
See my current research group and my previous research group for more details.
M. M. Rahman, A. Yasmeen, J. Gross, PHY layer authentication via drifting oscillators, accepted for presentation at Globecom 2014.
R. Mudumbai, S. Dasgupta, M. M. Rahman, A distributed consensus based technique for optimal economic dispatch in smart grids, submitted to IEEE TPS (under review).
M. M. Rahman, R. Mudumbai and S. Dasgupta, A scalable feedback-based approach to distributed nullforming, in proceedings of WICON 2013.
R. Mudumbai, S. Dasgupta, M. M. Rahman,A Distributed Consensus based Algorithm for Optimal Dispatch in Smart Power Grids, in proceedings of IASTED EAS, 2012.
F. Quitin, M. M. Rahman, R. Mudumbai and U. Madhow, A scalable architecture for distributed transmit beamforming with commodity radios: design and proof of concept, in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication.
F. Quitin, M. M. Rahman, R. Mudumbai and U. Madhow, Distributed beamforming with software-defined radios: frequency synchronization and digital feedback, in proceedings of IEEE Globecom, 2012.
Muhammad Mahboob Ur Rahman, Raghu Mudumbai, Soura Dasgupta, A Distributed Consensus Approach to Synchronization of RF Signals, in proceedings of IEEE SSP, 2012.
Francois Quitin, Upamanyu Madhow, Muhammad Mahboob Ur Rahman, Raghu Mudumbai, Demonstrating distributed transmit beamforming with software-defined radios, in proceedings of IEEE WoWMoM, 2012. (Best Demo Award)
Muhammad Mahboob Ur Rahman, Henry Ernest Baidoo-Williams, Raghu Mudumbai, Soura Dasgupta, Fully Wireless Implementation of Distributed Beamforming on a Software-Defined Radio Platform, in proceedings of 11th ACM/IEEE conference on IPSN, 2012.
Muhammad Mahboob Ur Rahman, Raghu Mudumbai, Soura Dasgupta, Consensus Based Carrier Synchronization in a Two Node Network, in proceedings of IFAC World Congress, 2011.
For citations to my articles, see my page at Google scholar.Muhammad Mahboob Ur Rahman, Raghu Mudumbai, Soura Dasgupta, A scalable feedback-based approach to distributed nullforming, 11th Annual Research Open House, College of engineering, University of Iowa, USA (April 08, 2013).
Muhammad Mahboob Ur Rahman, Henry Ernest Baidoo-Williams, Raghu Mudumbai, Soura Dasgupta, Fully Wireless Implementation of Distributed Beamforming on a Software-Defined Radios, 10th Annual Research Open House, College of engineering, University of Iowa, USA (April 19, 2012).
Muhammad Mahboob Ur Rahman, Raghu Mudumbai, Soura Dasgupta, RF carrier synchronization for cooperative wireless communications, 9th Annual Research Open House, College of engineering, University of Iowa, USA (April 07, 2011).
GNU-radio/USRP-based software-defined radio testbed for distributed beamforming, GRCon 2012, Atlanta, USA (September 24, 2012). Video Slides
Software-defined radio: A technology development platform, Department of Electrical & Computer engineering, University of Iowa, USA (March 1, 2011).
Page last modified: July 18, 2014