
Lars-Göran Mattsson, Professor of Transport Systems Analysis

Head of Division of Traffic and Logistics

KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden




Mail address:

KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Department of Transport Science
Division of Traffic and Logistics
SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden

Visiting address: Teknikringen 72, Stockholm

Phone: +46 8 790 8563

Fax: +46 8 790 7002

E-mail: lars-goran.mattsson@abe.kth.se

Biosketch and research areas

I am Professor of Transport Systems Analysis and Head of the Department of Transport Science (www.kth.se/abe/inst/tec?l=en_UK) in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment (www.kth.se/abe?l=en_UK) Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. After having finished my M.S. in Engineering Physics at the Royal Institute of Technology in 1972, I worked for a consulting firm, 1973-75, and for the Swedish Planning and Rationalization Institute of the Health and Social Services, 1975-78. Then I became an associate of the Research Group for Urban and Regional Planning in the Department of Mathematics at the Royal Institute of Technology, 1978-86, and I received my Ph.D. in Optimisation there in 1987. Thereafter I worked for the Office of Regional Planning and Urban Transportation, County of Stockholm, 1986-91. I returned back to the Royal Institute of Technology as Associate Professor (Docent) of Regional Planning in 1991. I held positions as Acting Professor and Head of the Division of Transport and Traffic Planning, 1995-97, and Acting Professor of Transport Systems Analysis from 1998 until I was appointed Professor in 1999.

My research interests comprise both theoretical and applied work related to Transport and Location Analysis (www.kth.se/abe/inst/tec/avd/tla/1.17211?l=en_UK). In particular, I am interested in Integrated Land Use and Transport Models, Travel Demand Models, Location Models, Infrastructure and Regional Development, Vulnerability Analysis, Applied Systems Analysis, Road Pricing, Random Utility Theory, Discrete Choice and Economic Theory.

I have recently been leading four major projects:

*        Assessment of long term effects of economic policy instruments on the transport system funded by VINNOVA, the Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems and the Swedish Road Administration,

*        Analyses of the Stockholm congestion charging trial funded by VINNOVA, the Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems and the Swedish Road Administration,

*        Vulnerability analyses of road networks funded by VINNOVA, the Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems and the Swedish Road Administration (www.infra.kth.se/tla/projects/vulnerability/index_eng.html),

*        Modelling and analysis of a sustainable transport and land use system funded by VINNOVA, the Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems (www.infra.kth.se/tla/projects/landuse/),

I have supervised fifteen Ph.D. and eighteen Lic. Eng. Theses as principal or assistant supervisor. I am presently supervising six Ph.D. candidates.

I am associate editor of the Annals of Regional Science, member of the Board of the Centre for Traffic Research, Royal Institute of Technology (www.ctr.kth.se/abe/centra/ctr?l=en_UK) www.ctr.kth.se and deputy member of the Board of the Centre for Operations and Maintenance, Royal Institute of Technology (www.infra.kth.se/cdu/). I have been the co-ordinator of a Nordic Research Network on Modelling Transport, Land-Use and the Environment (the TLE-Network) (http://www.infra.kth.se/tla/tlenet/) that has been supported for a 5-year period by NorFA, the Nordic Academy for Advanced Study (www.nordforsk.org/index.cfm).


Journal articles

*  Jenelius, E. and Mattsson, L.-G. (2012) "Road network vulnerability analysis of area-covering disruptions: A grid-based approach with case study", Transportation Research A 46, 746-760.

*  Jenelius, E., Mattsson, L.-G. and Levinson, D. (2011) "Traveler delay costs and value of time with trip chains, flexible activity scheduling and information", Transportation Research B 45, 789-807.

*  Weibull, J.W., Mattsson, L.-G., and Voorneveld, M. (2007) "Better may be worse: Some monotonicity results and paradoxes in discrete choice under uncertainty", Theory and Decision 63, 121-151.

*  Jenelius, E., Petersen, T. and Mattsson, L.-G. (2006) "Importance and exposure in road network vulnerability analysis", Transportation Research A 40, 537-560.

*  Eliasson, J. and Mattsson, L.-G. (2006) "Equity effects of congestion pricing: Quantitative methodology and a case study for Stockholm", Transportation Research A 40, 602-620.

*  Algers, S., Eliasson, J. and Mattsson, L.-G. (2005) "Is it time to use activity-based models? A discussion of planning needs and modelling possibilities", The Annals of Regional Science 39, 767-789.

*  Mattsson, L.-G. and Weibull, J.W. (2002) "Probabilistic choice and procedurally bounded rationality", Games and Economic Behavior 41, 61-78.

*  Lindberg, P.O., Eriksson, E.A. and Mattsson, L.-G. (2002) "Homothetic functions revisited", Economic Theory 19, 417-427.

*  Eliasson, J. and Mattsson, L.-G. (2001) "Transport and location effects of road pricing: A simulation approach", Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 35, 417-456.

*  Eliasson, J. and Mattsson, L.-G. (2000) "A model for integrated analysis of household location and travel choices", Transportation Research A 34, 375-394.

*  Höjer, M. and Mattsson, L.-G. (2000) "Determinism and backcasting in future studies", Futures 32, 613-634.

*  Boyce, D.E. and Mattsson, L.-G. (1999) "Modeling residential location in relation to housing location and road tolls on congested urban highway networks", Transportation Research B 33, 581-591.

*  Lindberg, P.O., Eriksson, E.A. and Mattsson, L.-G. (1995) "Invariance of achieved utility in random utility models", Environment and Planning A 27, 121-142.

*  Anderstig, C. and Mattsson, L.-G. (1992) "Appraising large-scale investments in a metropolitan transportation system", Transportation 19, 267-283.

*  Anderstig, C. and Mattsson, L.-G. (1991) "An integrated model of residential and employment location in a metropolitan region", Papers in Regional Science 70, 167-184.

*  Anderstig, C and Mattsson, L.-G. (1989) "Interregional allocation models of infrastructure investments", The Annals of Regional Science 23, 287-298.

*  Mattsson, L.-G. (1987) "Urban welfare maximization and housing market equilibrium in a random utility setting", Environment and Planning A 19, 247-261.

*  Mattsson, L.-G. and Westman, G. (1987) "Evaluation of provider continuity in primary care: Actual versus random and potential continuity", Family Practice 4, 251-259.

*  Mattsson, L.-G. (1986) "Residential location and school planning in a tightening urban economy", Annals of Operations Research 6, 181-200.

*  Smedby, B., Smedby, Eriksson, E.A., Mattsson, L.-G. and Lindgren, Å. (1984) "Continuity of care: An application of visit-based measures", Medical Care 22, 676-680.

*  Mattsson, L.-G. (1984) "Equivalence between welfare and entropy approaches to residential location", Regional Science and Urban Economics 14, 147-173.

*  Mattsson, L.-G. (1984) "Some applications of welfare maximization approaches to residential location", Papers of the Regional Science Association 55, 103-120.

*  Eriksson, E.A. and Mattsson, L.-G. (1983) "Quantitative measurement of continuity of care: Measures in use and an alternative approach", Medical Care 21, 858-875.

*  Lundqvist, L. and Mattsson, L.-G. (1983) "Transportation systems and residential location", European Journal of Operational Research 12, 279-294.

*  Mattsson, L.-G. and Weibull, J.E. (1981) "Competition and accessibility on a regional labour market", Regional Science and Urban Economics 11, 471-497. Reprinted in Fischer, M.M., Button, K.J. and Nijkamp, P. (eds) Regional Housing and Labour Markets in the series Modern Classics in Regional Science, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 1996.


*  Lundqvist, L. and Mattsson, L.-G. (2002) National Transport Models: Recent Developments and Prospects, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

*  Lundqvist, L., Mattsson, L.-G. and Kim, T.J. (1998) Network Infrastructure and the Urban Environment: Advances in Spatial Systems Modelling, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

*  Johansson, B. and Mattsson, L.-G. (1994) Road Pricing: Theory, Empirical Assessment and Policy, Kluwer, Boston.

*  Lundqvist, L., Mattsson, L.-G. and Eriksson, E.A. (1989) Spatial Energy Analysis: Models for Strategic Decisions in an Urban and Regional Context, Avebury (Gower), Aldershot.

Chapters in books

* Snickars, F., Mattsson, L.-G. and Olofsson, B. (2013) “Sustainable urban flows and networks: Theoretical and practical aspects of infrastructure development and planning”, 102-128, in Metzger, J. and Rader Olsson, A. (eds.) Sustainable Stockholm: Exploring Urban Sustainability in Europe’s Greenest City, Routledge.

*  Karlström A. and Mattsson, L.-G. (2009) "Place, space syntax and attraction-accessibility", Invited Paper, In Koch, D., Marcus, L. and Steen, J. (eds) Proceedings of the 7th International Space Syntax Symposium, KTH/ARK/FP-09:01-SE.

*  Mattsson, L.-G. (2008) "Road pricing: Consequences for traffic, congestion and location", 29-48, in Jensen-Butler, C., Sloth, B., Larsen, M,M, Madsen, B. and Nielsen, O.A. (eds.), Road Pricing, the Economy and the Environment, Springer-Verlag.

*  Mattsson, L.-G. (2007) "Railway capacity and train delay relationships", 129-150, in Murray, A. and Grubesic, T.H. (eds), Critical Infrastructure: Reliability and Vulnerabilitiy, Springer-Verlag.

*  Berdica, K. and Mattsson, L.-G. (2007) "Vulnerability: A model-based case study of the road network in Stockholm", 81-106, in Murray, A. and Grubesic, T.H. (eds), Critical Infrastructure: Reliability and Vulnerabilitiy, Springer-Verlag.

*  Mattsson, L.-G. and Sjölin, L. (2004) "Transport and location effects of a ring road in a city with or without road pricing", 113-133 in Lee, D-H (ed.), Urban and Regional Transportation Modeling: Essays in Honor of David Boyce, Edward Elgar Publishing Company.

*  Lundqvist, L. and  Mattsson, L.-G. (2002) "National transport models: Introduction and comparative analysis", 1-16 in Lundqvist, L. and Mattsson, L.-G. (eds), National Transport Models: Recent Developments and Prospects, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

*  Eliasson, J. and Mattsson, L.-G. (1999) "Modeling long-period trip patterns with time and money constraints: The TILT land use-transportation model", in Meersman, H., Van de Voorde, E. and Winkelmans, M. (eds), World Transport Research, Vol. 4: Transport Policy, Elsevier Science.

*  Lundqvist, L., Mattsson, L.-G. and Kim, T.J. (1998) "Network infrastructure and the urban environment: Introduction and summary", 1-16, in Lundqvist, L., Mattsson, L.-G. and Kim, T.J. (eds), Network Infrastructure and the Urban Environment: Advances in Spatial Systems Modelling, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

*  Anderstig, C. and Mattsson, L.-G. (1998) "Modelling land-use and transport interaction: Policy analyses using the IMREL model", 308-328, in Lundqvist, L., Mattsson, L.-G. and Kim, T.J. (eds), Network Infrastructure and the Urban Environment: Advances in Spatial Systems Modelling, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

*  Johansson, B. and Mattsson, L.-G. (1994) "Introduction", 1-4, in Johansson, B. and Mattsson, L.-G. (eds), Road Pricing: Theory, Empirical Assessment and Policy, Kluwer, Boston.

*  Johansson, B. and Mattsson, L.-G. (1994) "Principles of road pricing", 7-33, in Johansson, B. and Mattsson, L.-G. (eds), Road Pricing: Theory, Empirical Assessment and Policy, Kluwer, Boston.

*  Johansson, B. and Mattsson, L.-G. (1994) "From theory and policy analysis to the implementation of road pricing: The Stockholm Region in the 1990s", 181-204, in Johansson, B and Mattsson, L.-G. (eds), Road Pricing: Theory, Empirical Assessment and Policy, Kluwer, Boston.

*  Mattsson, L.-G. (1989) "Normative housing allocation and work trip energy use", in Lundqvist, L., Mattsson, L.-G. and Eriksson, E.A. (eds) Spatial Energy Analysis: Models for Strategic Decisions in an Urban and Regional Context, Avebury (Gower), Aldershot.

PhD Thesis

*  Mattsson, L.-G. (1986) Contributions to systems analysis in health services and urban planning, TRITA-MAT-1986-11, Department of Mathematics, Royal Institute of Technology.

Unpublished conference papers and other reports

* Mattsson, L.-G., Weibull, J.W. and Lindberg, P.O. (2011), "Extreme values, invariance and choice probabilities" Department of Transport Science, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. Paper presented at the "Consumer behaviour and welfare measurement workshop" at Institute for Fiscal Studies, London, December 6-7, 2011.

* Jenelius, E. and Mattsson, L.-G. (2010), "The impact of network density, travel and location patterns on regional road network vulnerability", Department of Transport and Economics, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. Paper presented at the ERSA Congress, Jönköping, Sweden, August 19-23, 2010.

* Jenelius, E. and Mattsson, L.-G. (2010), "Road network vulnerability analysis of area-covering disruptions: A grid-based approach with case study", Department of Transport and Economics, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.

*  Jenelius, E., Mattsson, L.-G. and Levinson, D. (2010), "The traveler costs of unplanned transport network disruptions: An activity-based modeling approach", Department of Transport and Economics, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.

*  Jenelius, E. and Mattsson, L.-G. (2008) "The vulnerability of road networks under area-covering disruptions", Paper presented at the INFORMS Annual Meeting, Washington DC, October 2008.

*  Jenelius, E., Petersen, T. and Mattsson, L.-G. (2006) "Road network vulnerability: Identifying important links and exposed regions", Paper presented at the Conference Transport Research Arena, Gothenburg, June 2006.

*  Jenelius, E. and Mattsson, L.-G. (2006) "Developing a methodology for road network vulnerability analysis", Paper presented at the Nectar Cluster 1 Seminar, Molde, Norway, May 2006.

*  Mattsson, L.-G. (2005) "Ways of deriving train delay relationships", Paper presented at the 1st International Seminar on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis, Delft, June 2005.

*  Mattsson, L.-G., Voorneveld, M. and Weibull, J.W. (2005) "Discrete choice under uncertainty", Paper presented at the 8th NECTAR Conference, Las Palmas, June 2005, EFI working paper #558.

*  Mattsson, L.-G. (2003) "Modelling pricing reform in Stockholm", paper presented at the IMPRINT-EUROPE seminar on "Implementing Pricing Policies in Transport: Phasing and Packaging", Leuven, Belgium.

*  Algers, S., Eliasson, J. and Mattsson, L.-G. (2002) "Activity-based model development to support transport planning in the Stockholm region", TRITA-INFRA 02-001, Department of Infrastructure, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.

*  Lindh, C., Gärling, T. and Mattsson, L.-G. (1995) "Household decision processes in long range travel", Paper presented at the 7th World Conference on Transport Research, Sydney.

*  Lundqvist, L.-G. and Mattsson, L.-G. (1992) "Modelling travel demand in an extended metropolitan region", Paper presented at the 32nd European Regional Science Association Congress, Brussels.

*  Anderstig, C. and Mattsson, L.-G. (1992 "Policy applications of an integrated land-use transport model in the Stockholm region", Paper presented at the 6th World Conference on Transport Research, Lyon.

*  Mattsson, L.-G. and Weibull, J.W. (1986) "Reduced service capacity and yet smaller queues? A deterministic flow model of public services", TRITA-MAT-1986-28, Department of Mathematics, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.

*  Mattsson, L.-G. and Lindberg, P.O. (1984) "A note on the convexity of certain homogeneous functions including generators for generalized extreme value choice models", TRITA-MAT-1984-1, Department of Mathematics, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.

*  Mattsson, L.-G. and Weibull, J.W. (1981) "A dynamic queue model with time-dependent demand", TRITA-MAT-1981-39, Department of  Mathematics, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.

*  Mattsson, L.-G. (1977) "The organization of visits to doctors' clinics: Use of a simulation model", Paper presented at the 2nd European Congress on Operations Research, Stockholm.

Articles, book chapters and reports in Swedish (from 1980)

* Lindkvist, A., Lind, G., Harders, C., Lundbäck, E., Nilsson, A., Håkansson, M., Wendle, B., Mattsson, L.-G. och Lundberg, M. (2011) "Kombinationer av effektiva åtgärder och deras samlade effekter", Rapport inom SATSA – Samverkan för effektivt transportsystem i Stockholmsregionen.

*  Algers, S., Mattsson, L.-G., Rydergren, C. och Östlund, B. (2009) "Sampers - erfarenheter och utvecklingsmöjligheter på kort och lång sikt", Rapport från Institutionen för transporter och samhällsekonomi och Centrum för transportstudier Stockholm.

*  Mattsson, L.-G. (2008) "Samhällsekonomisk analys av ett huvudvägnät för godstransporter: En idédiskussion och förslag till upplägg, Institutionen för transporter och samhällsekonomi, KTH.

*  Mattsson, L.-G., Andreasson, I. och Engelson, L. (2005) "FUD-behov inom trafikmodellering - Översiktlig beskrivning", Institutionen för transporter och samhällsekonomi, KTH.

*  Andersson, Å.E., Eliasson, J., Hultkrantz, L. och Mattsson, L.-G. (2004) "Vem ska ha pengarna från trängselavgiften?", Debattartikel i Aftonbladet 2004-08-24.

*  Mattsson, L.-G. (2004) "Transportpolitik och planering", 103-126 i Trafikutskottet: Planering av vägar och järnvägar - en uppföljningsstudie, Utredningar från Riksdagen 2003/04:URD4, Sveriges riksdag.

*  K.-L. Bång, Mattsson, L.-G. och Sandahl, J. (2003)  "Näringslivseffekter av trängselavgifter, Förstudie: Bilagor", KTH TRITA-INFRA 03-55, Institutionen för infrastruktur, KTH.

*  K.-L. Bång, Mattsson, L.-G. och Sandahl, J. (2003)  "Näringslivseffekter av trängselavgifter, Förstudie: Huvudtext", KTH TRITA-INFRA 03-54, Institutionen för infrastruktur, KTH.

*  K.-L. Bång, Mattsson, L.-G. och Sandahl, J. (2003)  "Sammanfattning av Näringslivseffekter av trängselavgifter", Bilaga 7 i Trängselavgifter, Delbetänkande av Stockholmsberedningen, SOU 2003:61.

*  Lindberg, P.O., Lundgren, J., Mattsson, L.-G. och Strömberg, A.-B. (1997) "Optimeringsmetoder för resursfördelning inom drift och underhåll av vägar", LiTH-MAT-R-97-14, Matematiska institutionen, Linköpings universitet.

*  Algers, S., Lundqvist, L. och Mattsson, L.-G. (1997) "Program för kunskapsområdet transport- och lokaliseringsanalys", Infrastruktur och samhällsplanering, KTH.

*  Beser, M., Eliasson, J., Karlström, A., Mattsson, L.-G. och Rosenlind, S. (1996) "Kan vi lita på trafikprognoser? En kritisk granskning av några trafikprognosmodeller", TRITA-IP AR 96-38, Institutionen för infrastruktur och samhällsplanering, KTH.

*  Mattsson, L.-G. (1995) "Bilavgifter för trafikstyrning? Utvärdering av Naturskyddsföreningens förslag till innerstadszoner för Stockholm", TRITA-IP AR 95-31, Institutionen för infrastruktur och samhällsplanering, KTH.

*  Karlström, A. och Mattsson, L.-G. (1995) "Markanvändningseffekter av vägtullar ur ett lokaliseringsteoretiskt perspektiv: Lärdomar för Stockholm av internationella erfarenheter", TRITA-IP AR 95-25, Institutionen för infrastruktur och samhällsplanering, KTH.

*  Karlström, A. och Mattsson, L.-G. (1995) "Internationella erfarenheter", i Vägtullars effekter på trafik, lokalisering och markvärden, Stadsbyggnadskontoret Stockholms stad, Rapport 1995:4.

*  Mattsson, L.-G. (1993) "Transporter och markanvändning: Exempel på integrerade modellansatser", i Parmeby, J. (red) Modellsystem för persontransporter, KFB-rapport 1993:19.

*  Johansson, B. och Mattsson, L.-G. (1993) "Samhälle och transporter: Diskussion av några transportpolitiska frågor 1992", Arbetsrapport 1993:1, Avdelningen för regional planering, KTH. Också publicerad i Samfunnsøkonomiske metoder i beslutsprocessen: Muligheter og begrensninger, Statens vegvesen, Vegdirektoratet, Oslo.

*  Anderstig, C. och Mattsson, L.-G. (1992) "Från ruttval till regional utveckling - flerdimensionell konsekvensbeskrivning av transportinvesteringar", i Hesselborn, P.O. (red) Infrastruktur och samhällsekonomi, TFB-rapport 1992:21, Stockholm.

*  Mattsson, L.-G. (1991) "Skattning av områdesbaserade arbetsresemodeller på basis av RVU 1986/87", Regionplane- och trafikkontoret, Stockholm.

*  Anderstig, C. och Mattsson, L.-G. (1990) "Om infrastrukturinvesteringars effekter på den regionala ekonomin", Kapitel 4 i Regional utveckling i Norden, Årsrapport 1990/91 från Nordiska ministerrådets regionalpolitiska basprojekt.

*  Lundqvist, L. och Mattsson, L.-G. (1990) "Systemanalys", Kapitel 11 i Bakgrundsmaterial till Regionplan 90 för Stockholms län, Regionplane- och trafikkontoret, Stockholm, även publicerad som "Systemanalys av regionplan-90", Nätverk i Norden, Ds 1990:78.

*  Anderstig, C., Fridén, L. och Mattsson, L.-G. (1990 "Dennispaketets regionalekonomiska effekter", Regionplane- och trafikkontoret, Stockholm.

*  Anderstig, C. och Mattsson, L.-G. (1990) "Var bör vilken infrastruktur byggas ut?", Plan 44, 87-94.

*  Mattsson, L.-G. (1990) "Sambo", Kapitel 4 Nordiska bostadsmarknadsmodeller, Rapport från ett nordisk seminarium om praktiska erfarenheter av olika modeller.

*  Anderstig, C. och Mattsson, L.-G. (1989) "Infrastruktur och ekonomisk utveckling i Jönköpings län", Konsultrapport, Regionplane- och trafikkontoret, Stockholm.

*  Anderstig, C. och Mattsson, L.-G. (1989) "Infrastruktur och ekonomisk utveckling i Västmanland", Konsultrapport, Regionplane- och trafikkontoret, Stockholm.

*  Anderstig, C. och Mattsson, L.-G. (1989) "Infrastruktur och ekonomisk utveckling i Norrbotten", Konsultrapport, Regionplane- och trafikkontoret, Stockholm.

*  Brattström, H. och Mattsson, L.-G. (1989) "Utvecklingen i norra Stockholmsregionen mot år 2000 samt förutsättningar för att rekrytera personal i skilda lägen: Underlag för lokalisering av postterminaler", Konsultrapport, Regionplane- och trafikkontoret, Stockholm.

*  Lundqvist, L. och Mattsson, L.-G. (1988) "Energi för bebyggelse och transporter - om systemsamband på kommunal nivå", Kapitel 4 i Perspektiv på kommunal energiplanering: En antologi, Statens energiverk, Byggforskningsrådet och Energiforskningsnämnden, Allmänna Förlaget, Stockholm.

*  Lundqvist, L. och Mattsson, L.-G. (1987) "Regionala effekter av transportinvesteringar", Preliminär rapport till Expertgruppen för forskning om regional utveckling.

*  Mattsson, L.-G. (1985) "Lokaliseringsmönster och energi för persontransporter - en diskussion av internationell litteratur", i Lundqvist, L., Mattsson, L.-G. och Eriksson, E.A. (red) Samhällsplanering och energi: Om samband mellan översiktlig fysisk struktur och energisystem, Rapport R137: 1985, Byggforskningsrådet.

*  Mattsson, L.-G. (1985) "Bostadslokalisering och resebeteende vid förändrade transportkostnader", i Lundqvist, L., Mattsson, L.-G. och Eriksson, E.A. (red) Samhällsplanering och energi: Om samband mellan översiktlig fysisk struktur och energisystem, Rapport R137: 1985, Byggforskningsrådet.

*  Mattsson, L.-G. och Westman, G. (1983) "Att mäta kontinuitet - en slutreplik", Läkartidningen 80, 421.

Smedby, B., Smedby, Ö., Eriksson, E.A., Mattsson, L.-G. och Lindgren, S.Å. (1982) "Besökskontinuitet vid hälsocentralen i Tierp - tillämpning av en ny mätmetod", Läkartidningen 79, 4290-4298.

*  Mattsson, L.-G. och Westman, G. (1982)  "Mätning av vårdkontinuitet - varning för en opålitlig utvärdering", Läkartidningen 79, 4902.

*  Mattsson, L.-G. (1982) "Matematiska modeller i samhällsplanering", Ingår i Forskning vid F, En skrift utgiven med anledning av sektionens för teknisk fysik vid KTH 50-årsjubileum 1982.

*  Mattsson, L.-G. (1982) "En modell för skollokalisering med tillämpning på Uppsala kommun", Samhällsplaneringsgruppen, Matematiska institutionen, KTH.

*  Eriksson, C.-G., Mattsson, L.-G. och Westman, A.G. (1980) "Vårdkontinuitet - mätning och värdering", Läkartidningen 77, 1624-1625.

*  Mattsson, L.-G. (1980) Patient - läkarkontinuitet vid vårdcentralen i Vännäs, Spri rapport 49.

Keywords: Models, optimisation, systems analysis, discrete choice, random utility, land use and transport interaction, road pricing, transport policy, location models, travel demand models, infrastructure provision, welfare economics, road maintenance, vulnerability