defmodule Brot do # This is the client version. def start(mandel) do {:ok, spawn(fn -> init(mandel) end)} end defp init(mandel) do self = self() brot(mandel, self) end defp brot(mandel, self) do send(mandel, {:req, self}) receive do {:pos, pr, pos, c, m} -> i = mandelbrot(c, m) send(pr, {:res, pos, i}) brot(mandel, self) :done -> :ok end end # mandelbrot(c, m): calculate the mandelbrot value of # complex value c with a maximum iteration of m. Returns # 0..(m - 1). def mandelbrot(c, m) do mandelbrot_vanilla(c, m) end # This is the vanilla version def mandelbrot_vanilla(c, m) do z0 =, 0) test(0, z0, c, m) end def test(m, _z, _c, m), do: 0 def test(i, z, c, m) do a = Cmplx.abs(z) if a <= 2.0 do z1 = Cmplx.add(Cmplx.sqr(z), c) test(i + 1, z1, c, m) else i end end # This is using the Cmplx version of the calculation. def mandelbrot_cmplx(c, m) do Cmplx.mandelbrot(c, m) end # This is if we want to use the native code version. def mandelbrot_nif(c, m) do Cmplx.mandelbrot_nif(c, m) end end