defmodule LZW do @alphabet 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ' def test(), do: test('this is a test to see if it works') def test(text) do IO.puts("The string of text: #{text}\n") IO.puts("The plain string as charlist:") IO.inspect(text, charlists: :as_lists) encoded = encode(text) IO.puts("\nThe encoded string as charlist:") IO.inspect(encoded) IO.puts("\nLength of text: #{length(text)}") IO.puts("Length of encoded: #{length(encoded)}\n") string_text = to_string(text) case to_string(decode(encoded)) do ^string_text -> IO.puts("SUCCESS: The decoded message matches the original string!\n") _ -> IO.puts("ERROR: The decoded message does NOT match the original string!\n") end end def encode([]), do: [] def encode([word | rest]) do table = table() {:found, code} = encode_word(word, table) encode(rest, word, code, table) end def encode([], _sofar, code, _table), do: [code] def encode([word | rest], sofar, code, table) do extended = [word | sofar] case encode_word(extended, table) do {:found, ext} -> encode(rest, extended, ext, table) {:notfound, updated} -> {:found, cd} = encode_word(word, table) [code | encode(rest, word, cd, updated)] end end def encode_word(word, {n, words}) do case List.keyfind(words, word, 0) do {_word, code} -> {:found, code} nil -> {:notfound, {n + 1, [{word, n} | words]}} end end def decode(codes) do table = table() decode(codes, table) end def decode([], _), do: [] def decode([code | []], {_, words}) do {word, _code} = List.keyfind(words, code, 1) word end def decode([code | codes], {n, words}) do {word, _} = List.keyfind(words, code, 1) [next | _] = codes next_char = case List.keyfind(words, next, 1) do {char, _} -> case is_list(char) do true -> List.first(char) false -> char end nil -> IO.puts("Could not find #{next}, I bet it is #{n}!") [char | _] = word char end # IO.inspect("Adding #{[word]} and #{[next_char]} as code #{n}") [word] ++ [decode(codes, {n + 1, [{[word] ++ [next_char], n} | words]})] end def table do n = length(@alphabet) numbers = Enum.to_list(1..n) map =[@alphabet, numbers]) {n + 1, map} end end