Hoang-Thach Nguyen (Thach Nguyen) |
I am from Hanoi, Vietnam. I arrived in France in 2004 to study at École Polytechnique. After graduated from École Polytechnique and Télécom ParisTech in 2008, I did a Ph.D. in computer science at LIAFA, Université Paris 7, under the supervision of Prof. Jean Mairesse. I obtained my Ph.D. in April 2012.
In February 2013, I became a post-doc at the department of Automatic Control, KTH School of Electrical Engineering. Here, I work with Prof. Alexandre Proutiere on multi-armed bandit problems with applications to recommendation systems.
My thesis is entitled Réseaux de Petri stochastiques à forme produit. Here is an abstract of the thesis. If you want a full copy (in French), please send me an email with "[Copie de these]" in the subject.